Tag archive: ALCPG
Leah Hesla | 31 March 2011
Eugene, Oregon played host to the first-ever physics slam in the United States. By all accounts, it was a runaway success.
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ALCPG, ALCPG11, outreach, public event
24 March 2011
View images from this year's Americas Linear Collider Physics Group conference, hosted by the University of Oregon in Eugene.
Slideshow | Tagged:
17 March 2011
At this year's ALCPG conference, the University of Oregon will host the first-ever physics slam held in the United States. Six ILC scientists become slammers for one night. Each has only 12 minutes to explain a topic in particle physics to the residents of Eugene, Oregon. The audience votes for the clearest, most entertaining particle physics slam of the evening. Come join the fun if you can! The event is free and open to the public. Visit the event page for more information.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ALCPG, Eugene, Oregon, physics slam, public event
Jim Brau | 17 February 2011
On the eve of the 2011 ILC Americas regional meeting meeting, Jim Brau reports on the progress which has been achieved in the ILC detector and physics field since the last meeting in 2009.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
ALCPG, ALCPG11, detector R&D
Barry Barish | 13 August 2009
Our next (...) general meeting, organised by the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG), will be held at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 29 September through 2 October 2009.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Albuquerque, ALCPG, ALCPG09
Barbara Warmbein | 1 November 2007
As the new chair of the ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC), Enzo Iarocci will have to do a lot of negotiating. Not only with the other members of the Steering Committee or the ILC community, but most of all with his wife. “In this new position I will have to probably travel even more than I thought,” he says, “and my wife is less than pleased about that...”
Around the World | Tagged:
25 October 2007
A hotel built around a New Orleans street, burgers for lunch, autumn colours, bison and a duelling piano - this must be ALCPG! More than 300 machine and detector people and theorists have been debating and planning the ILC's entry into the Engineering Design Phase this week and are now looking forward to the R&D tours this afternoon and the conference dinner tonight. DOE Under Secretary for Science Raymond L. Orbach addressed the community on Monday. A lively 'duelling scientists' session on Tuesday circled around questions on the project's future. The vertex detector review is still going on, and the new Research Director will officially take up office on Friday, so stay tuned for more news next week. In the meantime have a look at some impressions of the week so far.
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Elizabeth Clements | 25 October 2007
The ILC Reference Design Report companion document, Gateway to the Quantum Universe played a symbolic role for CERN’s Jean-Luc Baldy as he passed the torch to John Osborne, also from CERN, during the ALCPG07 workshop at Fermilab this week. For the past two years, Baldy served as one of the Conventional Facilities & Siting group leaders for the Global Design Effort. He retires later this year, and the ALCPG workshop marks the official transition from Baldy to Osborne. “In the time that Jean-Luc was part of the GDE, we completed our baseline design and reference design for the ILC,” said GDE Director Barry Barish. “His contributions to the CFS group helped us reach these two important milestones, and we will miss his wisdom and resourceful problem-solving skills.”
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ALCPG, conventional facilities and siting
Elizabeth Clements | 13 September 2007
Get ready for deep-dish pizza and hot dogs piled high with onions, peppers and a pickle because the 2007 American Linear Collider Physics Group and International Linear Collider Global Design Effort meetings are heading for the windy city. Fermilab, located just outside Chicago, Illinois, will host the joint ALCPG07 meeting on 22-26 October in a continuing series of workshops on the physics, detector and accelerator issues of the proposed ILC. Interested participants should register soon, as the deadline to book a hotel room is 21 September.
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ALCPG, ALCPG07, Chicago, United States
Gerry Dugan | 13 July 2006
The first GDE meeting in the Americas region since the Snowmass 2005 workshop will take place next week on 19-22 July, as a joint meeting with the American Linear Collider Physics Group ALCPG at the University of British Columbia in beautiful Vancouver, Canada.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ALCPG, Canada, LCWS, LCWS06, Vancouver
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