Tag archive: Cornell University
Julianne Wyrick | 12 September 2013
The CesrTA collaboration at Cornell University, US, made important contributions to the design of the ILC damping rings for the recently completed Technical Design Report, including finding ways to reduce a phenomenon known as the electron cloud effect. Post-TDR, the collaboration is pursuing ways to make the damping rings even more effective by better understanding another phenomenon: intrabeam scattering.
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CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud, intrabeam scattering
Barry Barish | 20 December 2012
One of the key objectives of the ILC R&D programme during the Technical Design Phase has been to characterise electron cloud effects in an ILC-like low-emittance positron damping ring and to test proposed mitigation techniques. The centerpiece of our efforts has been the CesrTA programme that involved reconfiguring it as an ILC-like low emittance ring and instrumenting it to carry out these studies. CesrTA has been a highly successful experimental programme, leading to reliable mitigation strategies for the ILC positron damping rings.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Leah Hesla | 21 April 2011
Elegant and inexpensive, the second-sound detection system developed at Cornell University helps scientists triangulate the location of hard-to-see accelerator cavity flaws. Helium helps.
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cavity, cavity diagnostic, cavity inspection, cavity surface, Cornell, Cornell University, oscillating superleak transducers, second sound, superconducting cavity
Leah Hesla | 24 February 2011
With his feet firmly planted on Cornell university ground and certain clouds permanently in his head, Mark Palmer is a key figure in the ILC's battle against an unwanted phenomenon called electron cloud. Learn more about him and his work in this profile.
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CesrTA, Cornell University, electron cloud
Barry Barish | 11 November 2010
[...] For the ILC, electron cloud effects can defocus the positron beam in the damping rings, thereby degrading the ability to create a low-emittance beam, a key in creating the required very small final beam spot.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
30 July 2009
From 25 to 26 June, about 40 attendees gathered at the Industrial and Labor Relations Conference Center at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, to attend a workshop on the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator programme and to discuss R&D progress on the damping rings and electron clouds. It was the first dedicated workshop for interested and participating researchers, students, and physicists to talk about the state of the CesrTA project since its debut last year.
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CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Barbara Warmbein | 11 December 2008
When you have a set of new hardware and a clear mission ahead of you, the first step to complete the mission is to commission the hardware. After reconfiguring their storage ring and light source CESR, Cornell University and the international ILC team working on damping ring studies switched on the machine in early October and performed the first electron cloud studies in the low emittance configuration in November. “It was an intense week and we have some very interesting new data,” says Mark Palmer, CesrTA project manager.
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CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Barbara Warmbein | 31 July 2008
In a linear accelerator, energy conservation is not really on the achievement list. To get up to the required luminosity, accelerator experts have one chance to push the particle beams to their limits, putting much energy into the bunches, correcting, scraping and tweaking them along the way only to smash them into each other and direct the straggly remains into a dump. Not so an Energy Recovery Linac, currently at the design and first prototype stage at Cornell University. The electron beams also get dumped after one run, but before that happens, they are tricked into handing over their energy back to the superconducting machine that accelerated them.
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accelerator R&D, CESR, Cornell University, electron gun, energy recovery linac, ERL, injector
Barbara Warmbein | 10 July 2008
There may not have been a ribbon-cutting ceremony or speeches by heads of state. But the official kick-off of Cornell University's CESR storage ring as ILC damping ring test facility pleased the nearly 40 participants at this week's "Joint CesrTA Kickoff Meeting and ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop (ILCDR08)" enormously. “CesrTA will give us a detailed picture of the how electron cloud builds up under a range of conditions, of how an ultra-low emittance positron beam interacts with the electron cloud, and of how beam instabilities driven by the electron cloud develop,” says Andy Wolski, damping ring group leader based at the Cockcroft Institute in the UK. “In this respect CesrTA plays a critical role in validating the decision to reduce costs by eliminating the second positron damping ring.”
Around the World | Tagged:
CESR, CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring
Barbara Warmbein | 26 June 2008
“Our superconducting technology group here at Cornell is doing some very fundamental R&D,” says Hasan Padamsee, physics professor at Cornell university and expert in superconducting rf technology. “Note that the stress is on the fun in fundamentals.” Students are even allowed to drill holes into cavity prototypes in order to find out what makes certain areas in the material behave differently from others. A new mapping technique, invented by Cornell's Don Hartill, Zach Conway and Eric Smith, could make it possible to locate quenches during cavity tests with just eight (instead of up to 180) thermometers.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, cavity temperature mapping, Cornell University, oscillating superleak transducers, secound sound
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