Tag archive: damping ring
Julianne Wyrick | 12 September 2013
The CesrTA collaboration at Cornell University, US, made important contributions to the design of the ILC damping rings for the recently completed Technical Design Report, including finding ways to reduce a phenomenon known as the electron cloud effect. Post-TDR, the collaboration is pursuing ways to make the damping rings even more effective by better understanding another phenomenon: intrabeam scattering.
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CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud, intrabeam scattering
Barry Barish | 20 December 2012
One of the key objectives of the ILC R&D programme during the Technical Design Phase has been to characterise electron cloud effects in an ILC-like low-emittance positron damping ring and to test proposed mitigation techniques. The centerpiece of our efforts has been the CesrTA programme that involved reconfiguring it as an ILC-like low emittance ring and instrumenting it to carry out these studies. CesrTA has been a highly successful experimental programme, leading to reliable mitigation strategies for the ILC positron damping rings.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Barbara Warmbein | 13 September 2012
A team at DESY has created a complete virtual-reality three-dimensional ILC. They have combined information from various computer-aided design systems and about all areas of the ILC together in one model that you can now walk through. This model can highlight problems before they become costly and is a great motivator for the owners of the individual systems.
Feature | Tagged:
3D model, damping ring, DESY, detector hall, ILD, linac, positron source, Virtual reality
6 September 2012
A recent workshop reviewed the latest experiences with the phenomenon of electron clouds at the LHC and other accelerators. Electron clouds – abundantly generated in accelerator vacuum chambers by residual-gas ionization, photoemission and secondary emission – can affect the operation and performance of hadron and lepton accelerators in a variety of ways. They can induce increases in vacuum pressure, beam instabilities, beam losses, emittance growth, reductions in the beam lifetime or additional heat loads on a (cold) chamber wall.
Feature | Tagged:
beam emittance, CesrTA, damping ring, electron cloud
9 February 2012
The next-generation B factory to be built in Italy will reach new levels in luminosity by employing the innovative crab-waist scheme at the beam collision point. The SuperB concept represents a real breakthrough in collider design. The low-emittance ring has its roots in R&D for the International Linear Collider (ILC) and could be used as a system-test for the design of the ILC damping ring. The invention of the crab-waist final focus could also have an impact on the current generation of circular colliders. Read more in CERN Courier
Around the World | Tagged:
crab-waist final focus, damping ring, Italy, Super B
Barry Barish | 1 September 2011
As part of the process of developing the ILC technical design, the GDE project managers have initiated a set of technical baseline reviews of major subsystems. The first of those reviews on the ILC damping rings was carried out in July in Frascati, Italy.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline, damping ring, Frascati, ILC baseline, TDR, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 11 November 2010
[...] For the ILC, electron cloud effects can defocus the positron beam in the damping rings, thereby degrading the ability to create a low-emittance beam, a key in creating the required very small final beam spot.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
30 July 2009
From 25 to 26 June, about 40 attendees gathered at the Industrial and Labor Relations Conference Center at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, to attend a workshop on the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator programme and to discuss R&D progress on the damping rings and electron clouds. It was the first dedicated workshop for interested and participating researchers, students, and physicists to talk about the state of the CesrTA project since its debut last year.
Around the World | Tagged:
CesrTA, Cornell University, damping ring, electron cloud
Barbara Warmbein | 12 March 2009
Susanna Guiducci has her head in the clouds – electron clouds, that is. (Sometimes she sits in clouds that gather around the Frascati hills south of Rome where she is based at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati or LNF, but that is not really relevant to this story – just very picturesque.) As new leader of the damping ring group, one of the key R&D projects in the ILC’s Technical Design Phase, she also has her feet firmly planted in electron-positron accelerator physics and has been working on damping rings for ten years. All that experience gives her a clear picture of where the challenges lie in the ILC damping ring design, but she is confident: “I am convinced that the parameters set for the damping rings are feasible.”
Profile | Tagged:
damping ring, electron cloud, Frascati, INFN, Italy, LNF, profile
Barry Barish | 12 March 2009
Today's ILC Newsline is a thematic issue focusing on aspects of electron cloud mitigation for the ILC and for other future accelerators. One of the highest-priority goals of the ILC R&D programme during the Technical Design Phase is to demonstrate that the proposed mitigation techniques for the electron clouds in the damping rings will reduce the levels so that the clouds will not impact the emittance performance of the positron damping ring. --By Barry Barish
Director's Corner | Tagged:
damping ring, electron cloud
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