Tag archive: detector R&D
18 May 2023
Have you seen the latest video from ILC? It features interviews with Jenny List, Working Group Leader in the IDT, SLAC theorist Michael Peskin, and other experts discussing the exciting physics breakthroughs that the ILC could deliver. They also highlight the project's global collaboration, the various educational opportunities for students, and the focus on sustainability.
Feature | Tagged:
APS, detector R&D, ILC, physics case, video, YouTube
Barbara Warmbein | 17 November 2022
One thing is pretty certain: the next big machine in particle physics is most likely going to be an electron-positron “Higgs factory” collider. What is not so certain is which of the different collider options currently being considered will be realised. The ILD collaboration, creator of one of the two detector concepts for the International Linear Collider (ILC), is now checking how ILD would perform at different colliders than ILC, and is deepening collaborations with these collider concepts. ILD released its strategy in September.
Feature | Tagged:
detector concepts, detector R&D, FCC, Higgs factory, ILD
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 19 April 2021
10 million euros. This will be the amount granted to members of the AIDAinnova project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme. As particle physics requires highly-specialised detection equipment, often on an industrial scale, this project will be strongly marked by the collaboration between industry and academic institutions. Coordinated by CERN, it will explore advancement and innovation for particle physics detectors, including those proposed for the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, AIDAInnova, detector R&D, H2020
Barbara Warmbein | 4 October 2018
Here is how to tackle what would normally take a couple of months in a couple of weeks. A group of students and experts from the CALICE Collaboration recently spent three weeks tucked away at the University of Tokyo to get their heads round and analyse all the data taken at the most recent testbeam of the CALICE calorimeter setup. They emerged with new ideas and lots of knowledge in their heads.
Around the World | Tagged:
analysis, CALICE, detector R&D, testbeam
Barbara Warmbein | 31 May 2018
Particle physics will always need calorimeters, so particle physicists are always trying to optimise, tweak and update their calorimeter systems for the best possible measurements. The CALICE collaboration plays a leading role in this, and their most recent prototype for a hadronic calorimeter has just been completed and is now at CERN for a round of tests in the test beam.
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CALICE, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, DESY, detector R&D, Max-Planck-Institute for Phyisics, OMEGA, Pragu, SiPM, Uni hamburg, Uni Mainz, University of Bristol, Wuppertal
1 March 2018
Mark Thomson, professor for Experimental Particle physics at the University of Cambridge, will lead the UK's Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC from 1 April 2018. Thomson is an expert for particle flow calorimetry and detector development for future colliders like ILC and CLIC and is currently co-spokesperson for the DUNE collaboration.
Around the World | Tagged:
Cambridge, detector R&D, ILD, SiD, STFC, UK
Barbara Warmbein | 3 November 2016
While the CALICE collaboration is still busy analysing the data taken at last year’s big test campaign the team planning the hadronic calorimeter for the ILD detector are already gathering new data. This time they looked at the performance of a few prototype layers in a test beam connected to a beam telescope.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam telescope, CALICE, CNRS/LAL, DESY, detector R&D, hadronic calorimeter, Prague, Sussex
Jan Strube, PNNL | 20 October 2016
SiD, one of the two planned detectors for the ILC, decided at the end of last year to change their simulation and reconstruction framework. At a recent meeting at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the US the optimisation group got their heads round simulations, detector and physics studies in the new software framework. This is an important step towards SiD's technical design report.
Feature | Tagged:
detector R&D, PNNL, reconstruction, SiD, simulation, software
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 22 September 2016
There’s a fitting phrase for the funding landscape of international high-energy physics projects: “It’s complicated.” Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, describes the various sources of financial support, especially for developing future detectors, and where all of them stand. His advice: use all the opportunities there are.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, detector R&D, DOE, E-JADE, funding agencies, JSPS, MEXT
Barbara Warmbein | 8 September 2016
Summer is drawing to a close, and with it ends another season that often turns lab life on its head and has changed many people’s lives: summer student season. As the students from around the world finish off their projects, present their work to their fellow students and stock up on lab t-shirts, some leave with the certainty that they will return to do particle physics one day.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA, AIDA-2020, beam telescope, DESY, detector R&D, EUDET, summer students
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