Tag archive: Germany
Barbara Warmbein | 26 May 2016
It may feel like only yesterday that the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was adopted, but preparations for a new one, planned for 2018/19, are already underway. Germany has now published its first conclusions from a workshop on future electron-positron colliders that are very supportive of the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Germany, ILC, KET
Barbara Warmbein | 3 September 2015
Detector R&D for future projects has just received a boost in Germany. Six universities are receiving some 1.8 million Euros from the German ministry of education and research (BMBF) for the next three years – twice the amount that was available before. The project will concentrate on improving the time projection chamber for the ILD detector, one of the two planned ILC detector concepts, and the hadronic calorimeter based on SiPMs.
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BMBF, CALICE, detector R&D, Germany, ILD, LCTPC, SiPMs, TPC
Rika Takahashi | 1 May 2014
Following in the footsteps of famous thinkers like German poets Goethe and Schiller, a group of scientists has gathered at Weimar, Germany, for the Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory conference. They want to improve theoretical calculations, also for ILC studies.
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Feynman diagrams, Germany, GRACE, theory
Barbara Warmbein | 13 June 2013
During the ECFA LC2013 workshop that took place a the end of May at DESY in Hamburg, the LC management, civil engineering and machine-detector interface experts visited the tunnel of the future European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser XFEL - a week before construction was officially finished. DESY and the European XFEL celebrated the completion of the construction work with a ceremony, atmospheric lights and music in the new tunnel. Watch the slideshow.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, GDE Project Managers, Germany, visit, XFEL
Image: DESY, Lars Berg | 24 May 2012
What do huge sailing ships, science and India have in common? They were all present at this year's celebrations for the birthday of Hamburg's harbour. This year's special guest country was India, and as DESY has strong links with India especially in the field of photon science, DESY put up a tent in the harbour and presented itself, its science and its Indian scientists to the more than one million visitors.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, Germany, India
Brian Foster | 23 June 2011
Winner of a Humboldt Professorship, Brian Foster has just taken up his work at DESY and University of Hamburg as a joint professor for experimental physics, focusing on accelerators for very high energies. He intends to spend the 5 million Euros for five years to the greatest effect, and the ILC will play a very strong part in his plans.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, Germany, HERA, Humboldt Professorship, University of Hamburg, XFEL, ZEUS
Thomas Zoufal (DESY) | 2 June 2011
Brian Foster, recently awarded the Humboldt professorship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, has begun work in Germany this week. He hopes to advance particle physics by exploring new methods of acceleration, analysing unique physics data and of course playing his violin.
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DESY, Germany, Humboldt Professorship, University of Hamburg
Barbara Warmbein | 11 November 2010
Germans enjoy punctuality, and Germans like to plan ahead. Though these may sound like tired clichés, the German particle physics community recently lived up to international expectations and met for a workshop to set the strategy for particle physics in Germany in the years to come. The physicists were asked by their funding agency, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, to map out the future and present their interests and priorities — next year the European Strategy for Particle Physics will plan a strategy that takes into account the latest results from the LHC. As one of the major players in Europe, Germany wants to be prepared. The overall strategy process will conclude in September 2012 with a new strategy for Europe.
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Europe, Germany
Barbara Warmbein | 15 July 2010
Some ideas are so good that you have to export them when you move from one country to the other. This is especially the case in a global project like the ILC, where three regions and people from all over the place work together to make sure that whatever the LHC will find, the next generation of particle accelerators can study in detail. So when theorist Gudrid Moortgat-Pick moved from Durham, UK, to Hamburg, Germany, she took the concept of the interdisciplinary linear collider forum with her to create it in Germany. The first meeting of the new working group took place at DESY in June.
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DESY, German Helmholtz Alliance, German linear collider forum, Germany
17 June 2010
The University of Hamburg and DESY have won a shared Alexander von Humboldt professorship for the development of accelerators and particle physics. The renowned award goes to Professor Brian Foster, currently head of Particle Physics at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research announced today. Assuming successful conclusions to negotiations, Foster will receive up to 5 million Euros over a period of five years to fund research into the development and realisation of acceleration technologies for particle physics and continued analysis of data from DESY's flagship accelerator, HERA.
Around the World | Tagged:
award, DESY, Europe, Germany, Hamburg
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