Tag archive: linear collider school
Brian Foster | 21 August 2014
The Linear Collider school, a week of intense lectures and discussions on all things linear, has just taken place at lake Chiemsee in Germany, switching from its former venue in the UK’s Lake District to Bavaria. Brian Foster, European Director in the Linear Collider Collaboration, was one of the lecturers and reports about exotic PhDs and linear collider news from a monastic setting.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ILC, LEP, LHC physics, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 19 January 2012
The Sixth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders was held from 6 to 17 November at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, US. The Global Design Effort has co-sponsored this successful school from inception and we are proud of the fact that many graduates have gone on to careers in accelerator science, including at the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, LC school, Linear Collider Accelerator School, linear collider school, muon collider
Barry Barish | 12 May 2011
The Sixth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders will take place at the Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA from 6 to 17 November 2011.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, LC school, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 5 August 2010
We have selected 70 highly qualified students from an increased pool of 276 applications for the 2010 school.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
LC school, linear collider school
29 October 2009
From 7 to 18 September China hosted the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders in Beijing at Huairou. Among 69 students from 21 countries, there were 29 students from Asia, including 15 Chinese students. Since 2005, Chinese PhD students majoring in ILC-related topics are increasing steadily, ranging from global beam dynamics, final focus, superconducting technology (such as superconducting cavity, coupler, and cryostat), positron source, damping ring, and so forth.
Around the World | Tagged:
China, LC school, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 17 September 2009
I write this week's column as a lecturer at the fourth International Linear Collider accelerator science school that is underway at the Hotel Jixian in Huairou, located in a beautiful isolated park-like area about one hour from Beijing, China.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
China, LC school, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 16 July 2009
Preparations continue toward our "Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders" to be held from 7 to 18 September in Beijing, China.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
LC school, linear collider school
28 May 2009
In early September 2009, Beijing will serve as host city to roughly 70 outstanding physics students from the Americas, Asia and Europe for a ten-day intensive course entitled the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders. The Institute of High-Energy Physics (IHEP) will be the host institution. Led by scientific researchers and academic faculty, the rigorous curriculum will address such topics as linear colliders, the muon collider, radiofrequency technology and damping rings. It will be yet another step forward in the tenure of the school which took place at such locations as Hayama, Japan, Erice, Sicily, Italy, and Oakbrook, Illinois, U.S.A., in previous years.
Feature | Tagged:
Beijing, China, LC school, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 21 May 2009
Today I want to encourage young researchers interested in becoming accelerator scientists to consider applying to participate in our "Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders."
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator science, LC school, linear collider school, school
Barry Barish | 22 January 2009
The Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders took place from 19 to 20 October 2008 at the Oakbrook Hills Marriott Hotel near Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. and was a continuation of the previous two international LC accelerator schools held in 2006 in Japan and 2007 in Italy.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
LC school, linear collider school
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