Tag archive: overview
Barry Barish | 20 January 2011
The ILC is still very much a dream and the path to a real project remains highly uncertain, even though the scientific case is as strong as ever and we continue to meet all our highest priority goals. Hopefully, the world political and economic climate will improve before too long and there will once again be receptiveness to major investments in large-scale basic science projects. It is hard to imagine that we have seen the last of such projects; therefore our strategy is to be as prepared as possible to make a strong proposal for a linear collider when the time is right. Keeping that ultimate goal in mind, how are we doing and what did we accomplish in 2010? In fact, in my opinion, last year was a banner year for the Global Design Effort!
Director's Corner | Tagged:
2010, GDE, Global Design Effort, overview
Barry Barish | 7 January 2010
As we enter the New Year, it is a good time to review and reflect on our accomplishments during 2009, as well as the present status and prospects for the ILC. I wish I could boldly state that we have made big strides towards making the ILC a reality over the past year, but in reality it was a mixed year. -- Barry Barish
Director's Corner | Tagged:
2009, overview
17 December 2009
Reviewing a year that is coming to an end can be a bit like time travel. While some events seem like they happened only yesterday others seem so long ago that it is hard to believe they happened only a few months ago. Here are some events and developments that were not only important this year but also put the ILC project on a status timeline.
Feature | Tagged:
2009, overview
Barry Barish | 8 January 2009
(...) I am happy to report that we are starting this year in a much more stable state and with a solid and realistic R&D plan that we believe we can accomplish.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Nick Walker | 18 December 2008
...it seems appropriate to take a brief look back over a year which has certainly had its ups and downs.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 4 September 2008
The International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), once affectionately called the Rochester Conference, is considered central in our field. It takes place every second year. This year the meeting was held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICHEP, ICHEP08, overview
Ewan Paterson | 10 January 2008
As our year ends and we enter a new one, it is common practice to reflect on the past and dream of or plan the future. For the ILC, the year 2007 was a busy year. Some might say it was hectic, some would call it stressful or even a disaster, but certainly a lot happened.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Brian Foster | 7 June 2007
Hamburg put on its best face to greet the more than 600 registered guests who arrived at DESY last week for the big annual ILC get-together.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DESY, Europe, Germany, ILC07, LCWS, LCWS07, overview
Brian Foster | 9 November 2006
On Tuesday a momentous meeting for the future of the ILC began in Valencia. Under cloudy skies and occasional rain, the ILC family has gathered for one of its tri-annual joint meetings, reviewing progress and the status following the Vancouver meeting last July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
overview, Spain, Valencia
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