Tag archive: physics and detectors
Jenny List | 17 November 2022
The International Development Team has a new member: Jenny List from DESY has taken over the leadership of the Physics and Detector Working Group. In her first Corner, she describes the changing future collider landscape and calls for a readjustment of the priorities and the role of the Physics and Detector community. State-of-the-art technologies and excellent software are essential for any future project, but a sharpened physics case for a Higgs factory is just as essential, she says.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
International Development Team, P5, physics and detectors, Snowmass, WG3
Lyn Evans | 8 December 2016
As many of you will have heard by now, the Linear Collider Collaboration was given another three-year mandate by the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). It took the opportunity to streamline management a little, so from January we will run the collaboration in a smaller and slightly changed team. Let me introduce the new and old management to you.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ICFA, ILC, LCWS2016, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors
Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL) | 14 April 2016
For their 4th edition, the French Linear Collider Days brought participants to Paris to review recent national development on accelerator, physics and detectors as well as to hear about the global progress of the project at the international level. The meeting was jointly organised by members of CEA/Irfu and IN2P3. Roman Pöschl, member of the organisation committee, summarises.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator, CEA, CNRS, European XFEL, France, physics and detectors
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 25 November 2015
Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, is happy to announce that a new, lightweight panel to oversee physics and detector activities has been formed and met for the first time at this year’s linear collider workshop.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
detector concepts, detector R&D, PDAP, physics and detectors
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 24 July 2014
Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors, explains how the Linear Collider Collaboration contributes to delivering objective, detailed and correct information about the ILC physics case and the ILC detectors to the Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC TDR, Japan, LCB, MEXT, physics and detectors
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 20 March 2014
Without a solid physics case, state-of-the-art detectors and well-defined infrastructures like computing and links with the machine, a linear collider would have few arguments to go by. The Linear Collider Collaboration has working groups installed that make sure that the detectors can advance towards real collaborations and that synergies between the two linear colliders are harnessed as much as possible. Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the LCC, describes the current status of the physics and detector directorate where most of the components are now up and running.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, machine detector interface, physics and detectors, physics case
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 21 March 2013
Recently appointed Associate Director for Physics & Detectors in the new Linear Collider structure, Hitoshi Yamoto discusses his mandate and solicits inputs from the linear collider community.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors
Lyn Evans | 7 March 2013
On 21 February the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) handed over to the new linear collider structure. The Linear Colllider Board (LCB), chaired by Sachio Komamiya, replaces ILCSC, and the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) replaces GDE and the groups working on physics and detectors for both the ILC and CLIC. The LCC of course also includes the CLIC study. Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans looks ahead.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors, Snowmass, Technical Design Report
Barbara Warmbein | 21 February 2013
It all started in 2004... or so. LC NewsLine recaps the important milestones in the Global Design Effort history, and present and former honourable witnesses remember and send wishes to Barry Barish and Sake Yamada.
Feature | Tagged:
GDE, ILC-CLIC collaboration, ITRP, physics and detectors, TDR
Sakue Yamada | 20 September 2012
The two volumes of the Detailed Baseline Design report, which will be published alongside the Technical Design Report, are ready in draft form. They will now be submitted to the physics and detectors’ advisory group IDAG. A lot has been accomplished in the R&D process for the ILC detectors, and it’s thanks to the community’s spirit and determination that we have achieved our milestones. We look forward to taking on the next challenge.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detailed baseline design, IDAG, physics and detectors, Technical Design Report
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