Tag archive: United States
19 June 2008
When Fermilab reached out to neighbors five years ago to engage community members in laboratory decision making, some people in science and some neighbors doubted it would work.
Around the World | Tagged:
citizen task force, Fermilab, United States
Barry Barish | 12 June 2008
On Thursday, 29 May, the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel held its spring meeting in Washington, DC. The entire meeting was devoted to the presentation and discussion of the anxiously awaited report "US Particle Physics: Scientific Opportunities: A Strategic Plan for the Next Ten Years," by the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, or P5.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
HEPAP, P5 panel, P5 report, United States
Jim Brau | 12 June 2008
This past year, our global collaboration was derailed by funding cuts for the ILC in the UK and in the US. (...) Our dedication and perseverance have been challenged, but the science has not changed: particle physics will need a high-energy linear collider. In the US, a new strategic plan for the funding agencies restates the importance of a lepton collider to advances in particle physics.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
HEPAP, P5 report, United States
29 May 2008
The University of Chicago announced today that it has received a $5 million gift to be directed toward the development of future programs in particle physics.
Around the World | Tagged:
funding, UIC, United States
Barbara Warmbein | 29 May 2008
Sometimes even pretty straightforward and remarkably logical ideas take several moves before they become a reality. Take the planned damping rings for the ILC, for example. In the ILC, compact bunches of electrons and positrons are made to collide at very high energy. In order to ensure a high rate of particle collisions, the bunches are cooled in damping rings prior to acceleration. In a cold bunch, the particles are all very close together and travelling in very nearly the same direction with very nearly the same velocity. (In a hot bunch, as in a hot pot of water, the particles are more dispersed and are all moving in different directions.)
Feature | Tagged:
CESR, CesrTA, Cornell University, electron cloud, United States
22 May 2008
To teach 35 eighth-graders about particle physics, Batavia Rotolo Middle School teachers Macy Felter and Elizabeth Selander had them study the ILC, the proposed next-generation particle accelerator.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, outreach, United States
Barry Barish | 8 May 2008
Recruiting and training the next generation of accelerator physicists is crucial to the future of the field. Accelerator schools play a central role in introducing potential accelerator experts to the science and in providing advanced education.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
LC school, linear collider school, United States
Barry Barish | 14 February 2008
The initial P5 meeting took place at the beginning of February at Fermilab, and one session was entirely devoted to efforts globally and in the US towards a linear collider.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
HEPAP, P5 panel, P5 report, United States
Barry Barish | 7 February 2008
President Bush released his budget request for the US fiscal year 2009 (FY09) earlier this week.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, R&D Plan, United States, US budget
31 January 2008
With funding for ILC R&D cut this year, and the possible start of construction postponed, the ILC Citizens' Task Force could have turned their backs on the proposed project. They didn't.
Feature | Tagged:
citizen task force, Fermilab, United States
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