Tag archive: CALICE
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 22 October 2009
Just after the ILC concept detector validation report was released, the CALICE (Calorimeter for the linear collider experiment) Collaboration met from 16 to 18 September in Lyon, France. This meeting was the place of lively discussions on the most recent test beam results and strategies for the R&D and studies for the future as the collaboration is entering now a crucial and intense new phase. It was the most attended CALICE meeting ever and nearly all participating countries were represented.
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25 June 2009
Scientists just finished successfully testing the first particle flow algorithm hadronic calorimeter for the International Linear Collider, with unprecedented granularity and novel readout technology. This sub-detector, the analog hadronic calorimeter, was built by the CALICE (Calorimeter for the Linear Collider Experiment) collaboration and is one of several options for the hadronic calorimeter of a future ILC detector.
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CALICE, hadronic calorimeter, particle flow algorithm
26 March 2009
This is the second report on the two detector meetings held in Korea in February, ILD and CALICE, this time focusing on the CALICE (Calorimeter for the linear collider experiment) collaboration spring meeting at Kyungpook National University in Daegu on 19 and 20 February. CALICE, launched in 2002, meets twice a year to discuss the R&D issues of calorimetry technologies and the large-scale test beam experiments, specifically in the recent meetings to prepare for the world’s first test on a digital hadron calorimeter.
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Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 February 2009
Hundreds of millions of channels of electronics: this is about what the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) of the CALICE collaboration will have to design, process and analyse. The very high granularity of ILC detector’s future calorimeter will also be reflected in the ambitious first-stage electronics – or very-front-end electronics, which still needs to be designed. One part of the electronic jigsaw is the analogue-to-digital converter (ADC). At LPC, a CNRS/IN2P3 lab in Clermont-Ferrand, France, the latest ADC prototype fulfills the ILC requirements in terms of resolution, compactness, time of conversion and power consumption.
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CALICE, CNRS/IN2P3, ECal, France
5 June 2008
Even if you don't want to step through new control room's swish sliding doors, you can have a look inside DESY's new feature because of its doors made of glass: it is a medium-sized room with some technical interior and an ILC colour scheme. There are two computer working stations, each with four monitors and a small conference table; on a big screen you see the pictures from three webcams; and three clocks hang on the wall, showing the local times of DESY/CERN in Hamburg/Geneva, Fermilab near Chicago and KEK near Tokyo.
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CALICE, control room, DESY
8 May 2008
One of Fermilab's most distinct buildings now has a new resident. Last month, members of the CALICE collaboration moved their calorimeters into the newly renovated Meson Test Beam Facility. They will test the calorimeters with low- and high-energy particle beams during the next two years.
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CALICE, Fermilab, Meson Test Beam Facility
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 27 September 2007
The CALICE (Calorimeter for Linear Collider Experiment) collaboration is growing and anticipating the future of ILC calorimeters. The members not only prepare test-beams for the current generation of calorimeter prototypes, but they also prepare the future design of ILC sub-detectors. A record number of 72 CALICE members reviewed and discussed all these aspects two weeks ago in Prague during a collaboration meeting.
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CALICE, calorimeter
Barbara Warmbein | 30 August 2007
This summer, a stage was all the world for some of the men and women of the CALICE collaboration. For the first time, the full prototypes of the electromagnetic calorimeter, the hadronic calorimeter and the tailcatcher and muon tracker (designed and built by international collaborations and assembled in Paris, Hamburg and Northern Illinois respectively) played lead roles in the SPS test beam at CERN. In more than two months, the collaboration collected more than 100 million events, nearly 14 terabytes of data, thus not only testing their prototypes but also the data grid.
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Barbara Warmbein | 19 April 2007
Not many people see an immediate connection between exploring the origins of the Universe and finding cancer cells. Nicola d'Ascenzo and his colleagues sure do. In their work to test photo sensors as potential candidates for an ILC hadronic calorimeter they have come across a sensor that could be extremely interesting for positron emission tomography or PET, an imaging techniques that identifies cancerous cells in a body by detecting emitted gamma rays.
Around the World | Tagged:
CALICE, DESY, detector R&D, MPPC, SiPM
Elizabeth Clements | 29 March 2007
Peeling paint? Leaky roof? No problem. Say the words “test beam facility” to a physicist, and the opportunity to collect real physics data will wash away any aesthetic issues. Literally.
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CALICE, detector R&D, Gas Electron Multiplier, GEM, University of Texas at Arlington
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