Tag archive: CERN
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 28 February 2008
After the Large Hadron Collider, the science community agrees that particle physicists will need an electron-positron linear collider to fully understand and discover the potential new science at high energy regimes. Apart from the International Linear Collider - whose ‘cold’ accelerating technology is based on superconducting radiofrequency cavities – another variant of an electron collider, based on a warm accelerating technology is under study: the Compact Linear Collider Study (CLIC). The two teams held a meeting at CERN on 8 February to investigate the connections between the two projects and to list potential cooperative efforts on common activities.
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CERN, CLIC, ILC-CLIC, ILC-CLIC collaboration
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 1 November 2007
Digitisation - a key word that could lead to smaller and simpler detectors. Two weeks ago, at Saclay, France, the CEA Time Projection Chamber group of Paul Colas proved it could build a digital TPC for the ILC. A truly collaborative effort, this breakthrough could significantly reduce the cost and simplify the implementation of this sub-detector.
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CEA, CERN, CMOS, detector R&D, Medipix, NIKHEF, time projection chamber, TPC
Barbara Warmbein | 18 October 2007
The EUDET telescope, a high-precision device that lets detector developers check the accuracy of their prototype by using particle beams and the EUDET telescope and comparing with accurately its determined tracks, has just finished a marathon in test beams around Europe. During six weeks in beams at DESY and CERN its makers tested it to the core and are now happy to pass their instrument on to users.
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Barbara Warmbein | 13 September 2007
Alain Hervé already has the experience of building two enormous detectors under his belt, and it looks like he is going to help in a third one. Technical coordinator at CERN of both L3 at LEP and CMS at the LHC, the Breton has now been called as an expert to help in the interaction region design, cavern and detector assembly planning for the ILC and its detectors. He is taking part in preparatory phone conferences for the IRENG workshop and co-convenes Work Group A that looks at how to design, install and open experiments.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, CMS, LHC, machine detector interface
Barbara Warmbein | 30 August 2007
This summer, a stage was all the world for some of the men and women of the CALICE collaboration. For the first time, the full prototypes of the electromagnetic calorimeter, the hadronic calorimeter and the tailcatcher and muon tracker (designed and built by international collaborations and assembled in Paris, Hamburg and Northern Illinois respectively) played lead roles in the SPS test beam at CERN. In more than two months, the collaboration collected more than 100 million events, nearly 14 terabytes of data, thus not only testing their prototypes but also the data grid.
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Barry Barish | 29 March 2007
We are in the process of building an integrated set of ILC project tools for communication, data archiving, engineering, costing, scheduling and project management.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, ILCDoc, Invenio
Brian Foster | 20 July 2006
A new strategy document outlining the future directions for particle physics research in Europe was approved unanimously at a special meeting of the CERN Council in Lisbon on 14 July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics
Barry Barish | 19 January 2006
One of the biggest challenges for our dispersed GDE effort is communications. This was apparent from the beginning and, as a result, I have continually emphasized the need for us to employ the most advanced electronic communications and web tools.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, ILCAgenda, Indico
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