Tag archive: DEPFET
Marcel Vos (researcher at IFIC Valencia and member of the DEPFET collaboration) | 12 May 2016
Silicon-based devices for the detection of charged particles form the core of every modern collider experiment. As position-sensitive devices get thinner and thinner, supports and services must be more and more integrated into the sensor itself. IFIC Valencia, HLL-MPG Munich and Bonn University show the viability and cooling performance of a process that integrates the cooling channels in the active silicon sensor.
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AIDA2020, DEPFET, detector R&D, IFIC, MPG-HLL, University of Bonn
Ladislav Andricek | 25 November 2015
They're all individuals: detectors for particle physics all look very different. However, some of the technologies they (plan to) use can be the same, as this example from Belle II hows: it uses a component originally designed for an ILC detector. An example of technology transfer from the future...
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Belle-II, DEPFET, detector R&D, KEK, MPI
Barbara Warmbein | 15 October 2015
Probably the most advanced ultra-thin pixel sensors ever: DEPFET. Developed for the ILD detector’s vertex subdetector, they will be used in the Belle II detector – an extreme example of fast-forward technology spin-off. The first full-size module for use in Belle II has just been completed. It comprises a thin sensitive area (75 microns) with roughly 200,000 DEPFET pixels and the monolithically integrated silicon support frame with all necessary read-out electronics. Stay tuned for a more detailed report in a future issue of NewsLine.
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Belle-II, DEPFET, detector R&D, vertex detector
Barbara Warmbein | 17 September 2015
Particle detectors need to be at the forefront of technology in order to capture particle collisions in great detail and quick succession. R&D projects for upgrades of existing detectors or future ones are busy around the world, and sometimes the technologies developed and studied in these projects can help out in others. LC NewsLine has two examples.
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Belle-II, CALICE, CAST, CERN, DEPFET, detector R&D, InGrid, KEK, MPI, SiPM, technology transfer, TPC
25 July 2013
Three detector R&D collaborations working on tomorrow's pixel detectors for charged particles joined forces in a combined test in a beam of particles. With the successful read-out of the three devices in a single data acquisition, they reach another milestone of the EU-sponsored AIDA Project. Work continues towards a more versatile telescope infrastructure to be made available to a broad user community.
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AIDA, beam telescope, DEPFET, detector R&D, EUDET telescope, test beam
24 January 2013
The DEPFET structure is one of the candidate technologies for the creation of the most transparent pixelated detector in history. Originally developed for the ILC's predecessor TESLA and a firm candidate for the ILC experiments, it has been selected as the baseline technology for the Belle-II experiment in Japan, a shining example of technology transfer in high-energy physics. In a paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science the collaboration reviews its recent progress in the light of the challenging vertex detector requirements of a linear electron-positron collider at the energy frontier.
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Belle-II, DEPFET, detector R&D, synergy, tracker
Barbara Warmbein | 18 October 2007
The EUDET telescope, a high-precision device that lets detector developers check the accuracy of their prototype by using particle beams and the EUDET telescope and comparing with accurately its determined tracks, has just finished a marathon in test beams around Europe. During six weeks in beams at DESY and CERN its makers tested it to the core and are now happy to pass their instrument on to users.
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