Tag archive: Europe
Barbara Warmbein | 11 November 2010
Germans enjoy punctuality, and Germans like to plan ahead. Though these may sound like tired clichés, the German particle physics community recently lived up to international expectations and met for a workshop to set the strategy for particle physics in Germany in the years to come. The physicists were asked by their funding agency, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, to map out the future and present their interests and priorities — next year the European Strategy for Particle Physics will plan a strategy that takes into account the latest results from the LHC. As one of the major players in Europe, Germany wants to be prepared. The overall strategy process will conclude in September 2012 with a new strategy for Europe.
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Europe, Germany
Barbara Warmbein | 14 October 2010
After four plus one years of running time, a total budget of 21.5 million Euros, participating institutes from Helsinki to Valencia and from Novosibirsk to Glasgow and many research infrastructures successfully in place, the EU-funded infrastructure programme for ILC detector R&D EUDET comes to a close at the end of the year. Participants met for the very last EUDET meeting at DESY last week. But instead of self-congratulatory speeches and boasting summaries, most of the talks listed future plans and outlined future milestones beyond the scope of EUDET.
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AIDA, detector R&D, EUDET, Europe
16 September 2010
An important milestone was reached on the way to the European XFEL superconducting linear accelerator: the start of the industrial production of the superconducting accelerator structures. Yesterday and today, kick-off workshops took place to coordinate the future collaboration of DESY with two industrial firms. The superconducting accelerator structures are a joint contribution of DESY and INFN Milano, coordinated by DESY.
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DESY, Europe, XFEL
17 June 2010
The University of Hamburg and DESY have won a shared Alexander von Humboldt professorship for the development of accelerators and particle physics. The renowned award goes to Professor Brian Foster, currently head of Particle Physics at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research announced today. Assuming successful conclusions to negotiations, Foster will receive up to 5 million Euros over a period of five years to fund research into the development and realisation of acceleration technologies for particle physics and continued analysis of data from DESY's flagship accelerator, HERA.
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award, DESY, Europe, Germany, Hamburg
Barbara Warmbein | 13 May 2010
The Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA) proposal has received top grades from the European Commission, meaning that the multi-disciplinary multi-institutional detector development project will definitely go ahead. Out of 47 submitted proposals, AIDA came second with a score of 14.5 out of 15. The only catch is that the EC cut the proposed funding from 10 to 8 million Euros, reducing the full funding to just under 28 million Euros over four years. The project partners are now in the process of redefining the scope of the project in order to match the new budget, but are planning to keep as much as possible to the originally foreseen work. The coordinators and the EC are currently in a negotiation phase and the starting date of AIDA is expected for early 2011.
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AIDA, detector R&D, Europe
Barbara Warmbein | 25 March 2010
In a venue that many ILC people know very well from last year's TILC meeting, the Epochal Conference Center in Tsukuba, Japan, another meeting is underway that may well change the course of physics research for scientists from Europe and Asia. The Asia Europe Physics Summit ASEPS covers all areas of physics research, from nanotechnology and energy to medical research and accelerator development. It goes even further than that: it looks at the history of collaboration between Asia and Europe and combines lessons learnt from the past with plans for future projects like the ILC. Follow it live via videoconference; instructions are given below.
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ASEPS, Asia, Europe
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 March 2010
Last week, collaborators from the ILC-HiGrade European Commission Framework 7 Project gathered at CERN, Switzerland for their annual meeting. Each project work package, from cavity, coupler and tuner production to ILC governance studies, was reviewed on 25 February. The ILC-HiGrade project is conducted by six European institutions: DESY, CEA, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, INFN and Oxford University. 'ILC-HiGrade' stands for 'International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities' and one of the main objectives of the proposal is a small serial production of accelerating cavities at highest gradients.
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Europe, ILC HiGrade
Rika Takahashi | 4 February 2010
Even though the international collaboration in physics research has a long history, Europe-Asia cooperation remains quite weak, compared to the collaboration between Europe and Americas or Asia and Americas. To strengthen the cooperation in physics research between European and Asian countries, the first Asia-Europe Physics Summit, or ASEPS, will be held 24 to 26 March in Tsukuba, Japan.
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ASEPS, Asia, Europe
Barbara Warmbein | 3 December 2009
Greek mythology, cartoon characters and plays on words – projects and collaborations in high-energy physics don’t always conform to the stereotype of the incomprehensible acronym. If a new project to be submitted to the European Commission for funding, answering a call from it Seventh Framework programme (FP7), gets approval, the world of opera can be added to the list above. AIDA – for Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors and Accelerators (the E from European is silent) – would draw together every group and project in Europe working on detector R&D for next-generation projects.
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AIDA, Europe, FP7, Framework Program
Brian Foster | 26 February 2009
Although 2009 is not yet two months old, I seem to have already fitted in enough trips to fill a year - but such is the life of an ILC Director.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
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