Tag archive: Fermilab
24 April 2008
A successful test of a dressed 3.9 GHz superconducting radiofrequency cavity last week put Fermilab among an elite group that can produce cutting-edge, high-powered accelerator components.
Around the World | Tagged:
3.9 GHz, cavity, cavity testing, Fermilab, horizontal test stand
1 May 2008
Scientists from around the world work to develop components for future linear accelerators that use superconducting radiofrequency cavities. Research efforts should allow for a more efficient and cost-effective approach to furthering this technology.
Feature | Tagged:
Fermilab, plug compatibility, SRF technology
Elizabeth Clements | 7 February 2008
Vinod Sahni, the director of India's Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology, spent the greater part of December visiting U.S. laboratories. Tour stops included Brookhaven, SLAC and Fermilab, where he had the opportunity to discuss such activities as superconducting radiofrequency technology and Project X.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, India, RRCAT, SRF technology
31 January 2008
With funding for ILC R&D cut this year, and the possible start of construction postponed, the ILC Citizens' Task Force could have turned their backs on the proposed project. They didn't.
Feature | Tagged:
citizen task force, Fermilab, United States
Barry Barish | 20 September 2007
These days it seems that the questions I am asked most frequently are not about what gradient we will achieve for the ILC, not who will be the ILC Research Director, the next SLAC Director or the CERN Director General. Instead, I receive both genuine and rhetorical questions about Fermilab's proposed Project X.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Fermilab, Project X, United States
Elizabeth Clements | 6 September 2007
The 1200 parts started to arrive at Fermilab in June. When fully assembled, these many parts will make up the first cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D in the United States. The ILC will ultimately require 1680 of these cooled modules that hold the superconducting cavities, maintaining a temperature only two degrees above absolute zero. This first US cryomodule -which will only be used for R&D purposes-represents a special collaboration between Fermilab and DESY.
Feature | Tagged:
cryomodule, DESY, Fermilab
16 August 2007
As ILC research and development efforts ramp up around the world, Fermilab is preparing to make an important contribution. Engineers and technicians at the lab’s new ILC Test Area (ILCTA) have worked hard all summer creating a state-of-the-art cryomodule test facility, and the infrastructure is almost complete.
Feature | Tagged:
Fermilab, ILCTA
Elizabeth Clements | 9 August 2007
Vibrations in the cryomodules in the International Linear Collider are actually not a good thing. The slightest disruption can throw off the alignment of the super sensitive beams and prevent them from colliding. The stringent beam dynamic requirements in the ILC therefore make vibration studies important, which is why Fermilab recently installed measuring devices called geophones in their Horizontal Test Stand. So for the team at Fermilab, detecting vibrations now, during an R&D phase, is actually a good thing because it means that they can learn how to minimise them in the actual machine when every collision counts.
Feature | Tagged:
Fermilab, geophone, horizontal test stand, United States, vibrations
Elizabeth Clements | 5 July 2007
When the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) group at KEK decided to upgrade their beam position monitor system in 2005, Marc Ross had a solution. Based at SLAC at the time, he was a longtime collaborator with KEK and familiar with the instrumentation systems used throughout Fermilab’s accelerator complex. In 2006, Ross became the head of Fermilab’s Technical Division and could see how to continue his initiated beam position monitor upgrade efforts at the ATF damping ring. Called Echotek boards, these digital signal processing based systems offer a higher resolution potential – a characteristic that allows physicists to see more details about the beam. As it turned out, Fermilab was willing to make several Echotek boards available for testing the ATF system. Hence a new collaboration was born.
Feature | Tagged:
ATF, beam emittance, beam position monitor, Fermilab, KEK, SLAC
Elizabeth Clements | 21 June 2007
Mike Herlihy is active in the village of North Aurora, near Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and west of Chicago. He’s been a village trustee for six years, belongs to the Lions Club and served on an advisory committee to evaluate a proposed freeway. As a principal in a roofing company with a background in civil engineering, he’s particularly familiar with construction and how it can affect a community.
Feature | Tagged:
citizen task force, Fermilab
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