Tag archive: ICFA
14 March 2019
On 7 March, the chairs of the Linear Collider Board and the International Committee for Future Accelerators, Tatsuya Nakada and Geoffrey Taylor, as well as KEK DG Masanori Yamauchi, met national Japanese and international media for a press briefing on Japan's view on the future of the ILC. Watch the recorded press briefing.
Video of the week | Tagged:
ICFA, Japan, KEK, LCB, MEXT, press briefing, YouTube
Lyn Evans | 14 December 2017
A lot has happened since our last issue of NewsLine, most notably the ICFA-supported option of a 250-GeV ILC, and a Nobel Prize for Barry Barish. Lyn Evans reports on the statement issued by ICFA and what a 250-GeV ILC would mean for the project.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barry Barish, ICFA, Nobel prize, staged approach
Lyn Evans | 8 December 2016
As many of you will have heard by now, the Linear Collider Collaboration was given another three-year mandate by the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). It took the opportunity to streamline management a little, so from January we will run the collaboration in a smaller and slightly changed team. Let me introduce the new and old management to you.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ICFA, ILC, LCWS2016, Linear Collider Collaboration, physics and detectors
Lyn Evans | 20 October 2016
First bilateral discussions between the Japanese and US administrations have led to a new emphasis in accelerator R&D for the linear collider that is both good and bad, Lyn Evans says. More bilateral discussions between Japan and European and Asian countries will follow. In the meantime, the community will lay down plans for SCRF research for the next two to three years during a dedicated workshop-in-a-workshop in December. Evans, current Director of the Linear Collider Community, hopes for great turnout.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ICFA, Iwate Prefecture, LCB, LCC, Morioka
Harry Weerts | 11 August 2016
The mandate of the current LCC structure ends at the end of 2016 and ICFA has now put a revised structure in place. There has also been a change in the way the US supports ILC activities. Harry Weerts, current regional director for the Americas, describes these changes and how they will affect ILC activities.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, DOE, Fermilab, ICFA, ICHEP, ILC, Japan, KEK, LCB, LCC, MEXT, superconducting cavity, United States
Brian Foster | 28 April 2016
The Linear Collider Collaboration comes to the end of its mandate at the end of this year. A working group made up of lab directors from Europe, the US and Japan is looking at options for a new management structure, and in his corner, European Regional Director Brian Foster gives some (unsolicited) advice.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICFA, LCC, management
Philip Burrows | 10 March 2016
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) is a biannual gathering of the heads of major particle physics labs and institutes from around the world for the purpose of sharing news, liaising, and working together to promote global collaboration in our field. The Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) has its mandate from ICFA, and the LC oversight Board (LCB) met in association with the recent ICFA meeting [see other article] to monitor progress on the three main LCC elements: the ILC, CLIC, and Detector & Physics groups.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
750GeV, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Higgs, ICFA, LCB, LHC
Rika Takahashi | 10 March 2016
On 26 February, members of the ICFA gathered in a conference room in Tokyo, Japan, for the press conference, explaining the status of accelerator science in the world.
Feature | Tagged:
Akira Yamamoto | 11 February 2016
Akira Yamamoto, Regional Director for Asia in the Linear Collider Collaboration, had to learn this week that ACFA isn’t what he thought it is. ACFA stands for Asian Committee for Future Accelerators, and contrary to what its name suggests it is an independent body, not a subgroup of the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA. He reports from their recent meeting in Kyoto, Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator research, ACFA, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ICFA, P5, photon science
Harry Weerts | 13 November 2014
The recent ICFA seminar addressed many topics and chartered the future physics landscape to fine and, if in the further future, less fine detail, says Harry Weerts, Americas Regional Director for the Linear Collider Collaboration. But he thinks one important thing is lacking: a mechanism on how to achieve consensus on what constitutes the global programme for particle physics in the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CepC, CLIC, FCC, global strategy, ICFA, ILC, LHC, P5
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