Tag archive: international collaboration
Leah Hesla | 2 October 2014
The superconducting technology at the heart of the ILC is one of the outstanding innovations of the machine’s design. The new kid on the block, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s light source LCLS II, owes much to the ILC's advances in superconducting radio-frequency technology.
Around the World | Tagged:
European XFEL, international collaboration, LCLS, LCLS II, SCRF technology R&D, SRF technology
Rika Takahashi | 6 February 2014
With the creation of a new ILC Planning Office this week at KEK, the Japanese high-energy physics community is taking another big step towards making the ILC a reality in Japan. It is the pre-step for forming an international organisation, which KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki would like to establish.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC governance, ILC Planning Office, international collaboration, Japan, KEK, R&D
Image: CERN | 23 January 2014
One hundred metres under Swiss roads and fields, Yoshitaka Sakurada, Senior Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, was pleased to discover the Japanese flag proudly displayed on an inner triplet magnet, one of the Japanese contributions to the Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN. Guided in the LHC by LCC Director Lyn Evans and Asian Regional Director Akira Yamamoto, Sakurada and his team visited the tunnel and the ATLAS experiment, two examples of how international collaborations can achieve great things for science.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, international collaboration, Japan, LHC
Hitoshi Murayama | 23 January 2014
We were all holding our breaths to see the Japanese government making an official move towards hosting the ILC. A small but significant move happened as a Christmas present with the release of the government budget proposal for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2014 which includes an official budget line for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
budget, government, ILC site, international collaboration, Japan, R&D
Julianne Wyrick | 11 July 2013
With the repair and reinstallation of the cryomodule known as CM2, Fermilab researchers are back on the road towards achieving the International Linear Collider’s R&D “S1” goal: operating a cryomodule at ILC gradient specifications.
Around the World | Tagged:
ASTA, cavity gradient, CM1, CM2, cryomodule, Fermilab, international collaboration, S1-global, SRF cryomodule
Barry Barish | 18 October 2012
The S1-Global experiment was conceived to demonstrate the radiofrequency (RF) operation of an ILC cryomodule with an average accelerating gradient of 31.5 MV/metre. The project to build a segment of a superconducting linac system and test the string of superconducting RF cavities was carried out at KEK through a global collaboration. This experiment provided a significant and successful demonstration of the operation of eight nine-cell superconducting cavities and associated hardware components with components provided from laboratories around the world.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
international collaboration, plug compatibility, S1-global
Image: ILC, Map implementation: Jeffrey Clark (GDE) | 19 January 2012
Map implementation: Jeffrey Clark (GDE) The ‘international’ in ‘International Linear Collider’ isn’t just a part of a name. The ILC is demonstrably global, involving thousands of scientists from the Americas, Asia and Europe in accelerator activity, detector research and physics pursuits. The map is a picture of ILC activity around the world. Visit the map webpage and click around. And if you notice any inaccuracies or see that an institution is missing, please don’t hesitate to notify us. We can make corrections. Enjoy exploring the world of the ILC!
Image of the week | Tagged:
international collaboration
Leah Hesla | 17 November 2011
Jefferson Lab in the US and the Institute for High Energy Physics in China sign a formal agreement that will further accelerator cavity research.
Feature | Tagged:
1.3 GHz, cavity testing, IHEP, IHEP-01, international collaboration, JLab, nine-cell cavity
Peter Garbincius | 25 August 2011
GDE Cost Manager Peter Garbincius bids a fond farewell to the International Linear Collider collaboration.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
international collaboration
Jean-Pierre Delahaye | 27 August 2009
I have personally been convinced during my whole professional life of the great advantages and the increasing necessity of International Collaboration.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
international collaboration
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