Tag archive: RDR
Brian Foster | 8 September 2016
Among the LCC collaboration changes that will be put in place as of January 2017 will be the abolition of the Regional Directors. In this week’s corner, Brian Foster, soon-to-be former-European Director, explains what he has learned in 14 years of dedication towards managing the linear collider project, and gives some advice for the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost, European XFEL, GDE, management, RDR, site decision, TDR
Barry Barish | 20 August 2015
As is appropriate for an anniversary issue, this week's Director's Corner is authored by Barry Barish, who led the project from its conception in 2005 through major milestones up to the publication of the Technical Design report in 2013 and the formation of the Linear Collider Collaboration. He looks back at past achievements and advises the linear community to remain very, very patient.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, interim report, LCC, MEXT, RDR, SCRF, siting, Snowmass, TDR
Barry Barish | 22 September 2011
Now that the baseline for the Technical Design Report has been established, the focus is on fleshing out the details of that design and optimising it for cost, risk and performance. As a result, the costing process is being initiated. The first meeting to begin the costing effort was held at Caltech in the US, immediately following the face-to-face Executive Committee meeting in July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, cost optimisation, RDR, TDR, Technical Design Report, value management
Barry Barish | 11 August 2011
A new study is being undertaken to extend the maximum energy of the ILC from the present design of 0.5 TeV towards 1.0 TeV, either as a future option or possibly for the initial machine.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
1 TeV, energy upgrade, ILC parameters, RDR, TDR
Barry Barish | 4 August 2011
Peter Garbincius, a key member of the ILC Global Design Effort, has left the GDE to undertake a new assignment at Fermilab. His contributions to the ILC design effort have been truly outstanding and he will be sorely missed.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, executive committee, GDE, RDR, TDR, value management
Barry Barish | 27 May 2010
[...] The first BAW will be held at KEK from 7-10 September 2010, and the second at SLAC from 18-21 January 2011. I am very much encouraging active participation from the detector community and by some of our advisory committee members both in the preparations leading up to these workshops and at the workshops, themselves.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline assessment workshop, BAW, RDR, TDR
Barry Barish | 14 January 2010
Over the past year, the ILC project managers have led a focussed effort to assess the ILC baseline configuration that is documented in the Reference Design Report (RDR) and as a result have developed a set of proposed baseline changes that are aimed at reducing costs and improve the technical design.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, RDR, SB2009
Barry Barish | 6 September 2007
We released a draft version of the ILC Reference Design Report last February. Since that time, the accelerator section has undergone reviews by the ILCSC Machine Advisory Committee and by a special international panel for our cost estimates and future plans.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC publication, RDR, Reference Design Report
Barry Barish | 8 February 2007
The GDEs first major goal was to define the basic parameters and layout for the ILC and document them in a Baseline Configuration Document (BCD). We achieved this at the first GDE meeting held at INFN, Frascati, Italy, in December 2005.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, RDR, Reference Design Report
Barry Barish | 26 January 2006
Our major theme for the past six months has been to establish a basic configuration for the International Linear Collider. The GDE process got underway last August at Snowmass and culminated in our approval of a strawman configuration at a meeting in Frascati, Italy in December.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
RDR, Reference Design Report
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