Tag archive: XFEL
Rika Takahashi | 29 October 2015
The ILC Progress Report is a document outlining the technical progress after the publication of the Technical Design Report (TDR) in 2013. It contains the information regarding the progress in civil engineering studies, accelerator hardware design/development updates, accelerator system layout updates, integration/test facilities to be prepared for “hub-laboratory functioning, and updated project implementation plan, and further preparatory work.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF2, cavity gradient, TDR, XFEL
Mike Harrison | 25 July 2013
Now that the ILC Technical Design Report is published, does it mean the design is frozen? In this corner, ILC Director Mike Harrison explains how maintaining the technical flexibility to obtain the maximum benefit from ILC R&D and other current projects is both a challenge and a necessity, especially for major cost drivers like the ILC cryomodules.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ILC, ILC baseline, plug compatibility, SRF cryomodule, XFEL
Barbara Warmbein | 13 June 2013
During the ECFA LC2013 workshop that took place a the end of May at DESY in Hamburg, the LC management, civil engineering and machine-detector interface experts visited the tunnel of the future European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser XFEL - a week before construction was officially finished. DESY and the European XFEL celebrated the completion of the construction work with a ceremony, atmospheric lights and music in the new tunnel. Watch the slideshow.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, GDE Project Managers, Germany, visit, XFEL
Image: Dirk Noelle | 8 March 2012
Visitors ramble where electrons will one day whizz: a large number of people working at DESY and the European XFEL were treated to a rare trip underground into the recently completed but still completely empty tunnel for the European XFEL. And empty tunnels make for good images. Read more about the European-XFEL tunnel
Image of the week | Tagged:
Wilhelm Bialowons (DESY), John Osborne (CERN) and Masanobu Miyahara (KEK) | 1 March 2012
Ten members from the Japanese Society for Civil Engineering’s committee for civil works for future ILC facilities came to Europe in February to look at current civil engineering projects like CERN’s LINAC4 and the European XFEL in Hamburg and to discuss administrative challenges. By the end of March next year, the committee will publish draft guidelines on civil solutions for a potential ILC in Japan.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, Japan, XFEL
Rika Takahashi | 26 January 2012
Japanese company Tokyo Denkai is boosting high-purity niobium production and processing with some new equipment and a better-outfitted shop. Should the ILC be built, the company will be able to handle the large order of niobium needed for accelerator cavities.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, Japan, niobium, SRF technology, superconducting cavity, XFEL
Ute Wilhelmsen (DESY) | 13 October 2011
The European XFEL X-ray laser in Hamburg will use accelerator modules of the newest generation. These high-tech devices are operated using superconducting technology at temperatures similar to those in outer space. The concept was developed and brought to practical application by the international TESLA collaboration, led by DESY.
Around the World | Tagged:
11 August 2011
The tunnel boring machine TULA (TUnnel for LAser) squeezed through a large hole in the wall of the injector building of the European XFEL facility. The hole, only 40 centimetres wider than the colossus that is TULA, made for a challengingly tight fit. TULA, which started 7 July 2010 at the European XFEL construction site in Schenefeld (Schleswig-Holstein), arrived a couple of days ago at the DESY site in Hamburg. In 13 months it has completed three tunnels with a total length of 3084 metres of the tunnel system, including the 2.1-kilometre-long linac tunnel. The second tunnel boring machine AMELI is still on its way to dig the (slightly thinner) rest of the nearly 6-kilometre long European XFEL tunnel system. TULA is 6.17 metres in diameter and 71 metres long, weighs 550 tonnes and costs 18 million Euros.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, tunnel, XFEL
Brian Foster | 23 June 2011
Winner of a Humboldt Professorship, Brian Foster has just taken up his work at DESY and University of Hamburg as a joint professor for experimental physics, focusing on accelerators for very high energies. He intends to spend the 5 million Euros for five years to the greatest effect, and the ILC will play a very strong part in his plans.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, Germany, HERA, Humboldt Professorship, University of Hamburg, XFEL, ZEUS
Wilhelm Bialowons (DESY) | 16 December 2010
Early November, four members of the Global Design Effort Conventional Facilities and Siting group and two guests from Japanese industry visited DESY in Hamburg, Germany, for two days. They wanted to find out more about the current state of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) civil construction and to get information about other relevant projects like DESY
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