Tag archive: China
4 March 2010
With the quiet, deft manner of a jeweler showing his wares, physicist Cai Xiao opened a black box that, in a James Bond movie, might hold a stash of diamonds. This one held something every bit as precious. Inside lay a small, green circuit board topped with three shining silver strips: a silicon detector.
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China, Fermilab, IHEP, SiDet
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 14 January 2010
Next march, Tiger Year, a joint meeting of the Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS10) and the International Linear Collider meeting (ILC2010) will be held from 26-30 March 2010 in Beijing, China. Three years after the ILC Reference Design Report release and the preliminary cost estimate of the machine in Beijing, the whole community of accelerator and detector physicists will gather again in China for another important step forward. “The ILC Chinese institutes are honoured and glad to host this meeting, as we expect great results from these five days,” said Jie Gao, co–chair of the local organising committee. “We hope that many of our colleagues will be able to attend.”
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Beijing, China, ILC2010, LCWS10
29 October 2009
From 7 to 18 September China hosted the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders in Beijing at Huairou. Among 69 students from 21 countries, there were 29 students from Asia, including 15 Chinese students. Since 2005, Chinese PhD students majoring in ILC-related topics are increasing steadily, ranging from global beam dynamics, final focus, superconducting technology (such as superconducting cavity, coupler, and cryostat), positron source, damping ring, and so forth.
Around the World | Tagged:
China, LC school, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 17 September 2009
I write this week's column as a lecturer at the fourth International Linear Collider accelerator science school that is underway at the Hotel Jixian in Huairou, located in a beautiful isolated park-like area about one hour from Beijing, China.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
China, LC school, linear collider school
Barry Barish | 6 August 2009
Last month, I had the opportunity to spend time at the Academia Sinica in Taiwan where I chaired a review of their Institute of Physics, which has an impressive high-energy physics programme.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Academia Sinica, China, Taiwan
28 May 2009
In early September 2009, Beijing will serve as host city to roughly 70 outstanding physics students from the Americas, Asia and Europe for a ten-day intensive course entitled the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders. The Institute of High-Energy Physics (IHEP) will be the host institution. Led by scientific researchers and academic faculty, the rigorous curriculum will address such topics as linear colliders, the muon collider, radiofrequency technology and damping rings. It will be yet another step forward in the tenure of the school which took place at such locations as Hayama, Japan, Erice, Sicily, Italy, and Oakbrook, Illinois, U.S.A., in previous years.
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Beijing, China, LC school, linear collider school
30 April 2009
“How do you ‘see’ neutrons in a scintillator calorimetry?” asks Frank Simon a group of 40 students in the afternoon three days into a five-day “Calorimetry for International Linear Collider” school, held from 22 to 26 April in Beijing. The spring in Beijing is just over outside the classroom on the CCAST campus, and the Chinese students who traveled from many academic institutions across mainland China, such as Tsinghua University, Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP) and the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), eagerly hitch forward in their seats. “Have you played billiards?” An excellent lecturer himself (and a blogger for Quantum Diaries), Simon effectively delivers his ideas as the students speak up. What target would take away momentum from neutrons? Exactly, the mass equivalent of neutrons, the protons. Hydrogen in the active medium makes the detector, and thus the plastic scintillator, sensitive to neutrons.
Around the World | Tagged:
Calorimetry for International Linear Collider school, CCAST, China, school
Barry Barish | 23 October 2008
The ILC Global Design Effort is structured around a regional organisation, where we have regional directors, a regionally supported common fund. We rotate our more general meetings between Asian, the Americas and Europe. It is equally important that we carry out coherent regional technical programmes, and regional technical meetings are an important step in that direction.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, ATF2, CCAST workshop, China, ILC R&D seminar, Korea
Barry Barish | 6 December 2007
The BEBC accelerator and BES detector facility are the centerpieces of the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing. These ambitious state-of-the-art facilities act as the follow-on to the pioneering studies at SPEAR of tau and charm physics.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
China, IHEP
Rika Takahashi | 15 November 2007
New expressways and subways are under construction. New hotels and apartment buildings are popping up. This city with a population of over 15 million people, which is already big enough, is getting ready for the coming year of increasing visitors who will attend the Olympic Games. This is Beijing.
Feature | Tagged:
Beijing, CCAST, CCAST workshop, China
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