Tag archive: cost estimate
Barry Barish | 7 March 2013
The final deliverable of the Global Design Effort, the ILC Technical Design Report, was completed and submitted in draft form to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee in November 2012. Following a successful technical review of the design in December, an International Cost Review was conducted in February of the value estimate. The cost review validated the TDR value estimates, and pointed out other costing efforts that will be needed as the ILC becomes a site-specific construction project.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, cost review, ILCU, labour, Technical Design Report, value estimate
Gerry Dugan | 31 May 2012
The cost estimate for the ILC that will accompany the Technical Design Report is intended to be a credible, comprehensive, and well-documented presentation of the costs in a format which is useful for all regional partners. It will be a “Value” estimate, stated in “ILC Units” which are convertible to any regional currency, and in person-hours of institutional labour at the ILC laboratory, or at collaborating laboratories and institutions.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, ILC Units, TDR
Barry Barish | 22 September 2011
Now that the baseline for the Technical Design Report has been established, the focus is on fleshing out the details of that design and optimising it for cost, risk and performance. As a result, the costing process is being initiated. The first meeting to begin the costing effort was held at Caltech in the US, immediately following the face-to-face Executive Committee meeting in July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, cost optimisation, RDR, TDR, Technical Design Report, value management
Barry Barish | 4 August 2011
Peter Garbincius, a key member of the ILC Global Design Effort, has left the GDE to undertake a new assignment at Fermilab. His contributions to the ILC design effort have been truly outstanding and he will be sorely missed.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, executive committee, GDE, RDR, TDR, value management
Barry Barish | 13 May 2010
The cost of the project "next-generation linear collider" ILC has been a major issue, ever since we began our ILC design work in 2005. The scale of the project and the costs of the ILC are roughly equivalent to the largest present-day science projects, like the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The good news is that we believe the ILC will not cost more than these megascience projects, and they have actually been built or are being built. The bad news is that the present world economic situation and government priorities are such that it will be extremely difficult to convince governments to make yet another large investment in a fundamental science project of such a large scale. Nevertheless, fundamental science must go on...
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost breakdown, cost estimate, ITER, LHC, Reference Design Report, SB2009
Barry Barish | 6 May 2010
[...] The trend towards larger science seems inevitable and we scientists need to make sure such facilities are done cost effectively, if we expect society to support us. This means we must very carefully choose which projects to develop, so that we will produce the best science.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost, cost estimate, cost growth, ITER, NASA
Peter Garbincius | 17 December 2009
We are currently preparing the SB2009 proposal with the goals of reducing the overall cost, optimising the facilities, and improving the performance of the accelerator for the next ILC baseline.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, ICET
Brian Foster | 29 October 2009
...I am... [at] the "Accelerators for America's Future" meeting held in Washington, D.C. and sponsored by the US Department of Energy. The meeting is intended to raise the profile and set the strategy for the future of accelerator physics in the US. The morning's talks have been in turn illuminating, amusing, and infuriating.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerators, cost estimate
Ewan Paterson | 26 June 2008
At the recent Conventional Facilities and Siting Workshop in Dubna, there were four focus groups: Shallow Site, Infrastructure, Siting and Accelerator Systems.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, Dubna, ILC design, ILC site, integration, JINR, Russia
Barbara Warmbein | 22 May 2008
Hamburg isn't exactly known for its good weather and hours of sunshine per year. So when the sun is out and nature is exploding with spring leaves and early summer blossoms, Hamburgers go to every length to spend those precious times outside. Spending a day in a conference room darkened for better presentations, hunched over microphones to listen to colleagues at the other end of the world doesn't normally rank high on the list of things to do in Hamburg when the weather is nice. Nevertheless one of the participants of last week's cost management meeting described their three days as "very enjoyable", meaning it. One has to work on the ILC to appreciate the spirit...
Feature | Tagged:
cost estimate, DESY
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