Tag archive: Fermilab
Joykrit Mitra | 26 November 2014
US scientists, with assistance from private industry have designed the newest iteration of a special chip with a 3D integrated circuit, for the ILC's vertex detector that will help measure properties of incoming particles at a higher resolution than previously achievable. The ILC is now another step closer to being an engineering reality.
Around the World | Tagged:
detector R&D, Fermilab, ILC, United States, vertex detector
Troy Rummler | 13 November 2014
A team at Fermilab has developed a new technique to use a magnetron to power a superconducting radio-frequency accelerating cavity, potentially saving hundreds of millions of dollars in the construction and operating costs of future linear accelerators.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, power source, SCRF
Joykrit Mitra | 16 October 2014
All eight cavities in an ILC-type cryomodule achieved the accelerating gradient specified for the International Linear Collider earlier this month. The cryomodule, CM2, was developed and assembled to advance superconducting radio-frequency technology and infrastructure at Americas-region laboratories.
Feature | Tagged:
CM2, Fermilab, Jefferson Lab, superconducting cavity
Akira Yamamoto | 5 June 2014
Regional Director Akira Yamamoto reports from the Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders (AWLC) 2014 held last month at Fermilab, US. A new official structure gives weight to contributions from scientists who used to juggle linear collider work and their projects “at home”, and in general he observes that big progress is common when a technology hasn’t reached a certain stage of maturity, but once it has, the steps become smaller, but almost more important.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF2, cavity gradient, Fermilab, Japan
9 January 2014
On 20 December, members of the Accelerator Division SRF Electron Linac Department and the Technical Division SRF Development Department successfully brought the first accelerating cavity in Cryomodule 2 to a gradient of 31.5 megavolts per meter, the gradient required for the proposed International Linear Collider. The achievement demonstrates the cavity's successful integration into the cryomodule.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerating gradient, cryomodule, Fermilab, Superconducting RF
Julianne Wyrick | 21 November 2013
After years of pursuing purity in the niobium material used to make superconducting radiofrequency cavities, a Fermilab team led by Anna Grassellino has found that baking cavities to introduce certain impurities may improve the cavity performance. The new method may provide a way for ILC-type cavities to reach up to three times higher quality factors—enabling more cost-effective accelerators.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity gradient, Fermilab, high-gradient cavity, medium-field Q slope, quality factor, SRF cavity, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Julianne Wyrick | 26 September 2013
In June, Fermilab researchers finished successfully processing and testing the second single-cell, ILC-type cavity that was electropolished with a new technique. The water-based process, which doesn’t require the use of strong acids as the standard technique does, was developed to be more environmentally and worker-friendly.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cavity gradient, electropolishing, Fermilab
Julianne Wyrick | 25 July 2013
Hydrogen has long been known as a possible enemy of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities - like those needed for the ILC - thanks to its potential to form non-superconducting hydrides that limit cavity quality factor (Q) and gradient. Researchers at Fermilab have made further progress in understanding the full physics behind hydrogen involvement, which is an important step towards improvements in cavity processing.
Around the World | Tagged:
cavity, cavity R&D, Fermilab, quality factor, SCRF, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
Julianne Wyrick | 11 July 2013
With the repair and reinstallation of the cryomodule known as CM2, Fermilab researchers are back on the road towards achieving the International Linear Collider’s R&D “S1” goal: operating a cryomodule at ILC gradient specifications.
Around the World | Tagged:
ASTA, cavity gradient, CM1, CM2, cryomodule, Fermilab, international collaboration, S1-global, SRF cryomodule
Lyn Evans | 27 June 2013
Physics isn’t usually associated with big emotions, and in the everyday life at the labs this is probably true. However, our field has recently had many momentous events, and the excitement these have caused have made particle physics one of the most popular science topics in the world. Let’s use this momentum to get ahead in our plan to build the ILC – maybe in stages and in Japan?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Fermilab, Japan, site selection, Technical Design Report
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