Tag archive: ILC site
Brian Foster | 3 April 2014
Now that there are great hopes that Japan will soon step forward with a proposal to host the ILC, the time has come for the Linear Collider Collaboration to take another look at issues related to ILC governance. Brian Foster, European director for the Linear Collider Collaboration, has just been appointed chair of the subcommittee in charge of producing recommendations on the organisation and management of an ILC lab in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC Lab, ILC site, LCB, LCC
Rika Takahashi | 3 April 2014
The Japan Society of Civil Engineers has just completed a guideline report for the civil engineering of the International Linear Collider, based on a five-year investigation. This report will enable the best and most cost-effective construction of the ILC. Adapted to the Japanese candidate site, this document will be effective for the construction of ILC at any overseas sites, and also useful to other future large-scale underground constructions.
Around the World | Tagged:
civil engineering, ILC construction, ILC site, KEK
6 February 2014
The Kitakami region in the north of Japan in Iwate prefecture is a potential site for the ILC in Japan, as recommended by the ILC site evaluation committee of Japan on 23 August 2013. And the region is clearly proud of this recommendation. The towns that would be the neighbours of the ILC if it was built there boast banners on official buildings and billboards along the roads, local shops have small banners on their tills, hotel clerks wear fan buttons and taxis sport bumper stickers – all in support of the ILC. Pictured are an advertising column outside Ichinoseki station and a banner at Mizusawa-Esashi station in the city Oshu. Read more about the field trip of the communications team to the Kitakami site in upcoming issues of LC NewsLine. View other photos
Image of the week | Tagged:
ILC site, Kitakami site
Daisy Yuhas | 23 January 2014
Isn't it a bad idea to build a high-tech high-precision particle accelerators machine in a country that is regularly shaken by earthquakes? Won't the machine have to be rebuilt from scratch when it all starts to move? LC NewsLine investigates what the various teams are doing to prepare the machine for a big shake and finds that granite can also serve as a kind of bubble wrap. "Shaken as one, restored as one" is the catchphrase.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, earthquake, ILC site, Japan
Hitoshi Murayama | 23 January 2014
We were all holding our breaths to see the Japanese government making an official move towards hosting the ILC. A small but significant move happened as a Christmas present with the release of the government budget proposal for the Japanese Fiscal Year 2014 which includes an official budget line for the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
budget, government, ILC site, international collaboration, Japan, R&D
24 October 2013
The Linear Collider Collaboration management team visited the recommended site in the Kitakami mountains last week. Surrounded by local journalists, including several camera teams, they inspected the area that might one day host the International Linear Collider.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ILC site, LCC
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 24 October 2013
LCWS13 is the first International Linear Collider workshop after the completion of the ILC Technical Design Report, the European Strategy for particle physics, the ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announcement and the Science Council of Japan report. All converges to make it a very promising linear collider meeting, Hitoshi Yamamoto explains.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, CLIC, ILC, ILC site, LCC, Science Council of Japan
Rika Takahashi | 12 September 2013
A committee of Japanese scientists has just recommended Kitakami mountains as a candidate construction site for the ILC. The project now has to go through international negotiations, which should take at least a few years. Meanwhile, on 28 August, Japan’s Ministry in charge of science policy (MEXT) delivered its first official national budget request for the ILC. The ILC project has now entered into the next stage.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC site, Japan
Sachio Komamiya | 12 September 2013
The ILC Site Evaluation Committee of Japan has assessed the two candidate sites, the Sefuri mountains in Kyushu (south island of Japan) and the Kitakami mountains in the Tokoku, northeast area, based on technical and socio-environmental criteria. On 23 August, they unanimously concluded that the Kitakami site is the best candidate site for the ILC in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC site, Japan
Rika Takahashi | 29 August 2013
The ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announced the result of the assessment on the two candidate sites in Japan on 23 August 2013. As a location, they recommended the Kitakami mountains in the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC, ILC site, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, Miyagi Prefecture, mountain-region ILC sites, site selection
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