Tag archive: Japan
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 March 2015
This video of support for the ILC was recorded during the latest project meeting of ATF2 which took place from 24 to 26 February 2015 at LAPP laboratory in Annecy, France. Your message really makes difference. Participate in the #mylinearcollider video campaign, and ask your colleagues and friends to join, too!
Video of the week | Tagged:
ATF2, FJPPL, France, Japan, mylinearcollider
Hitoshi Murayama | 5 March 2015
Who are the counterparts to the Japanese Federation of Diet members in support of the ILC? What are the timescales for other future collider projects like FCC and the muon collider? LCC Deputy Director Hitoshi Murayama says the physics community should stay focused, consistent, and strategically uniform if it wants to convince decision makers to support the ILC.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Federation of Diet members, ILC hosting, Japan, MEXT
Akira Yamamoto | 5 February 2015
The Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 (ALCW2015) will take place at KEK from 20 – 24 April. The workshop will be devoted to accelerator, physics and detector aspects of future high energy electron-positron linear colliders. It comes at a critical time for the ILC project development in Japan and will have a special focus on the ILC progress in Japan, says Asian Regional Director Akira Yamamoto.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ALCW2015, detector R&D, Japan, KEK, Tokyo Event
Anna Thomas | 5 February 2015
Anna Thomas, ILC Internationalization Coordinator working at Oshu City ILC Promotion Division in Japan, presents a series of interview with foreign residents in Iwate on the Oshu ILC website. In the new "Live from Japan" series, she provides a sneak peek at these interviews.
Live from Japan | Tagged:
Japan, Kitakami, life, science city
Amanda Wayama | 22 January 2015
Things are moving forward in the year 2015 – technical planning for the ILC is proceeding, and the Japanese national government is preparing to make a decision whether or not to host the project. But what about Iwate, the region home to the Kitakami candidate site? What are their plans for 2015? Masataka Miya, director of ILC Promotion for Iwate, talks to Amanda Wayama, International Communications Officer for the Iwate Prefectural Government, about Iwate’s strategy for the next year.
Live from Japan | Tagged:
Iwate, Japan, Kitakami site, science city
Lyn Evans | 22 January 2015
The LCC Directorate is constantly reinforcing its bridges, especially with our Japanese colleagues. At this critical time before the decision whether Japan will offer to host the ILC is taken, they travelled to the designated site to inspect port, roads and discuss with local and national authorities, reports LCC Director Lyn Evans. If the ILC gets built, some real bridges will have to be reinforced so that heavy high-tech can travel from the port to the site.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC site, interaction region, Iwate, Japan, Kitakami, MEXT, Miyagi
Mike Harrison | 8 January 2015
For the ILC, 2014 was a year of progress in many areas, but the most important activities were centred in Japan, where Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has started deliberations to evaluate the physics justification as well as the scope and cost of the project. The past year also featured nice results from the ATF2 facility in Japan and the XFEL in Europe. Mike Harrison, associate director for the International Linear Collider in the Linear Collider Collaboration, didn’t avoid the temptation to look back before looking ahead to 2015.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF2, change control board, detector R&D, European XFEL, Japan, Kitakami site, LHC, MDI, MEXT
Rika Takahashi | 11 December 2014
Japanese businesspeople and scientists gathered in Tokyo last week to attend the general meeting of the Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology, which is now a general incorporated association. At this occasion, three special lectures were given Lyn Evans, Hitoshi Murayama and Sachio Komamiya from the Linear Collider Collaboration and Board. The Japanese science community will closely collaborate with the association in the future towards the realisation of the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
AAA, Japan, MEXT
Lyn Evans | 30 October 2014
The ILC may be the first science project in the world that gets approval by video message. But only if there are enough of them, says LCC Director Lyn Evans. Everybody is invited to share his and her enthusiasm for the project.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC hosting, Japan, mylinearcollider
Lyn Evans | 18 September 2014
With a technical design well in place and R&D continuing on accelerator and detectors, the community is waiting for the next big milestone to occur towards the realisation of the ILC. Apart from crucial next results from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, all eyes are on the potential ILC host Japan. So what’s happening in Japan? Linear Collider Collaboration Director Lyn Evans takes stock
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, ILC hosting, Japan, MEXT, Science Council of Japan
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