Tag archive: outreach
Rika Takahashi | 17 April 2014
Sushi, anime, manga, Hello Kitty, and Harajuku fashion…Many aspects of Japanese culture are setting to tone of cool and trendy around the world. Japan’s Iwate prefecture released videos entitled “Cool Kitakami” on 8 April. Composed of four themes – Tourism and Culture, Life, Future and International Linear Collider, these videos introduce how cool it will be to live around the expected site for the ILC to a non-Japanese audience. Don't miss them!
Feature | Tagged:
comics, Iwate Prefecture, Kitakami site, manga, outreach
Image: Ichinoseki city | 17 April 2014
If you ever come to the Kitakami region and visit the ILC candidate site in Japan, you may well stop or change over at Ichinoseki station (Ichinoseki-eki). Since a few weeks, local people and the visitors can view an ILC booth in the station, providing information about the ILC project and candidate site. Read more...
Image of the week | Tagged:
Ichinoseki City, ILC, Iwate Prefecture, Kitakami site, outreach
Barbara Warmbein | 7 November 2013
Hundreds of children (as well as some playful adults) turned into human electrons at the ILC exhibit for the German accelerator lab DESY’s Open Day on 2 November in a mini ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator research, DESY, outreach
Rika Takahashi | 24 October 2013
Despite the largest typhoon in the year approaching, about 300 people braved the elements and gathered at a conference hall at University of Tokyo on 15 October. A symposium entitled “Can the ILC solve the mystery of the Universe?” was held, with representatives from the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) and specialists from various fields.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, outreach
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 8 August 2013
“The ILC in 2 minutes”, the new ILC animation, now includes the latest machine and detector design and also comes with optional sound and various languages subtitles. Make sure to share it!
Feature | Tagged:
animation, ILC, outreach, video
Videos: AAA | 11 July 2013
Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains the Higgs (in Japanese) in a three-part video series entitled “Universe and matter – the story of the beginning.”
Video of the week | Tagged:
Higgs, ILC, outreach, Standard Model
Barbara Warmbein | 16 August 2012
A new stage show based on accelerators and accelerator physics is taking off in Germany this month. Conceived by two ILC scientists at DESY, it shows the basic ingredients of a particle accelerator, complete with all the fun stuff, to schoolchildren ages 12 and up. It even gives a live audience-involving demonstration of the fundamental acceleration principle of the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator, DESY, outreach, show
Kaoru Yokoya | 26 July 2012
With the news of the Higgs, public interest in particle physics in general and the ILC in particular is at an all-time high. Kaoru Yokoya, Asian Regional Director, says that now is the time to foster this interest and find the next generation of particle physicists in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, outreach
Barry Barish | 19 April 2012
Most of us belong to a professional society that serves many of our professional needs throughout our career as practicing scientists. I have belonged to the American Physical Society since I was a graduate student in Berkeley, and last year I had the privilege of serving as APS President for 2011. It has become customary for each outgoing President to summarise his or her presidential year for APS, and I repeat my summary in order to give a picture of the activities of such a professional society.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
APS, education, outreach, physical society, science policy
10 November 2011
Last month, a true tabletop electron accelerator was shown to the public for the first time during the CNRS exhibition Entrée en matière in Trocadéro's gardens in Paris, France. This model was built to serve as a general introduction to the understanding of the principles underlying accelerator operations in general and more specifically colliders. The public can actually see and manipulate the controls and therefore easily grasp what is happening. The model is a small replica of the Orsay storage ring (Anneau de Collision d’Orsay, ACO) at LAL. ACO was in service as a collider from 1965 to 1980 with an energy of 500 MeV for each beam. The real accelerator is now a museum, listed on the French heritage register. Learn more (in French) about the model called "Electrons' dance".
Image of the week | Tagged:
CNRS, Orsay, outreach
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