
Tag archive: detector R&D

Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 coming soon

| 5 February 2015 The Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 (ALCW2015) will take place at KEK from 20 – 24 April. The workshop will be devoted to accelerator, physics and detector aspects of future high energy electron-positron linear colliders. It comes at a critical time for the ILC project development in Japan and will have a special focus on the ILC progress in Japan, says Asian Regional Director Akira Yamamoto. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

2020 on the horizon

| 22 January 2015 Good news for detector developers in Europe: the AIDA-2020 proposal to the European Commission has been selected to be funded as part of the Horizon 2020 programme. This means that future projects needing state-of-the-art particle detectors like the Large Hadron Collider upgrade and the linear collider will receive a total of ten million euros funding over the next four years. Thirty-eight participants from all across Europe take part in AIDA2020, including CERN as coordinating institute, making it the largest European detector R&D project. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , , , , ,

A year with the ILC

| 8 January 2015 For the ILC, 2014 was a year of progress in many areas, but the most important activities were centred in Japan, where Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has started deliberations to evaluate the physics justification as well as the scope and cost of the project. The past year also featured nice results from the ATF2 facility in Japan and the XFEL in Europe. Mike Harrison, associate director for the International Linear Collider in the Linear Collider Collaboration, didn’t avoid the temptation to look back before looking ahead to 2015. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

Register now for a different and fun linear collider meeting

| 8 January 2015 Register now for a new style of Asian regional linear collider workshop, ALCW 2015! ALCW to be held in Tsukuba and Tokyo, Japan. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

Vertical wonder

| 26 November 2014 US scientists, with assistance from private industry have designed the newest iteration of a special chip with a 3D integrated circuit, for the ILC's vertex detector that will help measure properties of incoming particles at a higher resolution than previously achievable. The ILC is now another step closer to being an engineering reality. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

A successful Linear Collider workshop in Belgrade – and planning the main LC workshops in 2015

| 26 November 2014 After a successful linear collider workshop last month, which saw progress in site-specific studies for the ILC and detector optimisation for both ILC and CLIC detectors (and more), Steinar Stapnes is looking ahead to next year's workshops in Japan and Canada. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Summer students reunite at test beam

| 26 November 2014 Four consecutive generations of former DESY summer students had an unplanned reunion at CERN recently: they were all around for the test of of the prototype of the analogue hadronic calorimeter for the ILC's ILD detector. They had all worked on this project as summer students. Category: Image of the week | Tagged: , , , ,

Calorimeters enjoy beam time

| 16 October 2014 Test beam season has started again. Two potential prototypes for future ILC detectors are being tested in a beamline at CERN that delivers hadrons from the proton synchrotron, CERN’s workhorse accelerator. The CALICE collaboration is looking forward to getting its hands on the fresh test beam data. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

The fall and subsequent rise of the ILC project through the eyes of a particle physicist journeyman

| 18 September 2014 The ILC project has witnessed some ups and downs in the past decade. The story told through the career of a physicist involved with ILC detector research and development who experienced it directly, from his days as a graduate student till now, as a researcher in Japan. Category: Profile | Tagged: , ,

Linear collider scientists gather in Japan

| 4 September 2014 It's meeting season in North Japan: a series of workshops held in Ichinoseki as well as in Tokyo brings together linear-collider scientists from all sorts of backgrounds: polarisation, particle sources, detector design, physics studies, and, coming up, machine-detector interface and civil engineering. Category: Image of the week | Tagged: , , , , ,