Tag archive: FCC
Barbara Warmbein | 17 November 2022
One thing is pretty certain: the next big machine in particle physics is most likely going to be an electron-positron “Higgs factory” collider. What is not so certain is which of the different collider options currently being considered will be realised. The ILD collaboration, creator of one of the two detector concepts for the International Linear Collider (ILC), is now checking how ILD would perform at different colliders than ILC, and is deepening collaborations with these collider concepts. ILD released its strategy in September.
Feature | Tagged:
detector concepts, detector R&D, FCC, Higgs factory, ILD
Ricarda Laasch | 22 July 2016
Did you know that more than 1000 superconducting radiofrequency cavities for roughly 150 cryomodules are needed for accelerator projects which are seeking approval at the moment? And it’s more than 24000 cavities if we add the ILC and the FCC. The TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting is one of the key events to attract SCRF experts from all the world The latest one was held at the beginning of the month, at CEA Saclay, France.
Feature | Tagged:
CEA, detailed baseline design, European XFEL, FCC, Fermilab, ILC, KEK, LCLS II, SCRF, SRF, TESLA Technology Collaboration
Barbara Warmbein | 26 May 2016
It may feel like only yesterday that the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was adopted, but preparations for a new one, planned for 2018/19, are already underway. Germany has now published its first conclusions from a workshop on future electron-positron colliders that are very supportive of the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Germany, ILC, KET
Philip Burrows | 10 March 2016
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) is a biannual gathering of the heads of major particle physics labs and institutes from around the world for the purpose of sharing news, liaising, and working together to promote global collaboration in our field. The Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) has its mandate from ICFA, and the LC oversight Board (LCB) met in association with the recent ICFA meeting [see other article] to monitor progress on the three main LCC elements: the ILC, CLIC, and Detector & Physics groups.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
750GeV, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Higgs, ICFA, LCB, LHC
Barbara Warmbein | 11 February 2016
Remember the ingenious civil engineering tool that British consultancy ARUP has developed for CERN's FCC and that is also being used for site-specific planning of the ILC? That thing where you can play around with shafts, tunnels and rock formations without leaving your desk? It's been shortlisted for a prestigious award, so keep your fingers crossed.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ARUP, CERN, civil engineering, FCC, ILC, Kitakami
Hitoshi Murayama | 12 November 2015
In Whistler, British Columbia, some two hundred physicists gathered to the annual Linear Collider Workshop. As the last speaker of the meeting, I tried to summarise the status of various collider options currently under discussion. In particular, I tried to clarify their readiness and timelines.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barbara Warmbein | 28 May 2015
Accelerator experts from Europe and Japan have a long history of cooperation for projects such as ATF at the Japanese lab KEK, and of course the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. A new EU-funded project makes sure that cooperation continues with future projects like the high-luminosity LHC, the Future Circular Collider FCC, CLIC, the ILC and many more. The first researcher (from the German lab DESY) has already spent nine weeks in Japan to improve simulations for site-specific machine-detector-interface questions for the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF, CERN, E-JADE, Europe, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, ILC, J-PARC, Japan, LHC
Barbara Warmbein | 19 March 2015
The Large Hadron Collider is about to start up again as an almost new machine and almost twice the previous collision energy. With first beams possibly circulating by the end of the month and first collisions expected for the beginning of summer, physicists around the world cannot wait to see what the collisions of Run 2 will reveal. Will there be first signs of supersymmetry, a possible key to the as yet locked dark universe? What will the properties of the Higgs boson reveal? Will there be unexpected peaks in the data? And how do these results translate to the ILC? LC NewsLine speaks to two theoretical physicists.
Feature | Tagged:
dark matter, extra forces, FCC, gluino, Higgs, ILC, LHC, QCD, supersymmetry, Z'
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 19 March 2015
The physics case of the ILC boils down to three main points, says Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration. A physics case is a scientific justification based on studies and theory. And while the case for the linear collider has been made many times, the LC physics community thinks that it is now much clearer.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CepC, FCC, Higgs, ILC, LHC, physics case, TDR
Barbara Warmbein | 11 December 2014
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study, though even further in the future than the ILC, might be feeding technology back to its linear cousin. An interactive tunnel-planning tool developed by a civil engineering design company for planning the future circular colliders in the CERN vicinity could prove to be useful for detailed planning and design optimisation of the ILC in the designated Kitakami site.
Around the World | Tagged:
civil engineering, FCC, ILC, layout, site-specific design
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