
Tag archive: KEK

CERN-KEK offices established

26 November 2014 CERN and the Japanese high-energy accelerator research laboratory KEK have a long history of collaboration. An agreement signed at KEK on 21 November puts this on even firmer ground: both labs will establish CERN-KEK offices to increase the collaborative effort on accelerator R&D and construction projects of mutual interest. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

How small can you go?

| 19 June 2014 The world’s smallest ever beam size of 55 nanometres was achieved by the ATF2 facility at KEK, reported Nobuhiro Terunuma at the AWLC workshop held at Fermilab. And what is more, the results are reproducible, which means that for the ILC, a recovery after a short break would be no issue. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

Guideline for ILC civil engineering completed

| 3 April 2014 The Japan Society of Civil Engineers has just completed a guideline report for the civil engineering of the International Linear Collider, based on a five-year investigation. This report will enable the best and most cost-effective construction of the ILC. Adapted to the Japanese candidate site, this document will be effective for the construction of ILC at any overseas sites, and also useful to other future large-scale underground constructions. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

The year 2014 – The real starting year of the ILC?

| 6 February 2014 With the creation of a new ILC Planning Office this week at KEK, the Japanese high-energy physics community is taking another big step towards making the ILC a reality in Japan. It is the pre-step for forming an international organisation, which KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki would like to establish. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

Now open: the Planning Office for the International Linear Collider to realise the ILC

| 6 February 2014 I am pleased to be in charge to provide the Director’s Corner in timely manner and coinciding with a public announcement from KEK. KEK has set up a Planning Office for the International Linear Collider, headed by Atsuto Suzuki, Director General of KEK. It may serves a precursor for an international planning organisation for the ILC, in the preparation phase starting after the Technical Design Phase completed. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Doors open wide

| 26 September 2013 Dialogue with the general public is important for good relations with the neighbours of research labs. This weekend, CERN holds its Open Days to share the excitement of science and life at a lab with an estimated 50,000 visitors per day. Let’s keep this tradition up. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Demonstrating the ILC final focus parameters

| 2 May 2013 A key feature of the ILC is that it is a single-pass machine. In contrast to a circular accelerator, where the beam goes around many times, the ILC beams pass through each accelerator element only once, including the interaction point. For the accelerator, this means that for each accelerating module, the machine must be very efficient at transferring wall power into the machine beam, with the added requirement that the final beam must emerge with very low emittance so that it can be focused to the very tiny beam spot required to achieve high luminosity. The ATF-2 at KEK is a special test beam line that has been built to demonstrate the ability to achieve ILC-like namometre beam spots and stabilise them. Recent tests have demonstrated beam spots that are within a factor of two of the ILC design and promise to improve in the future. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

A spin-off of ILC technology – already

| 4 April 2013 On 15 March, scientists working on the Quantum Beam Technology Program at KEK’s superconducting RF test facility (STF) confirmed the successful generation of X-rays using Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) with superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) acceleration technology. This is the world’s first successful implementation of ICS X-ray sources with SCRF technology. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Final focus

| 21 March 2013 What makes the ILC beams far smaller than a human hair? A series of magnets referred to as the ‘final focus,’ designed to maximise chances of collision at the heart of the ILC detectors. Category: LCpedia | Tagged: , ,

I found the Higgs!

| 6 September 2012 Two little visitors at show off the souvenirs they received at KEK's open house, held on Sunday, 2 September. The girl on the right was very happy to find a "Higgs" in her toy capsule given away at the ILC exhibit. Visitor numbers have increased dramatically from last year's open house, probably due to a special kind of Higgs mechanism that attracts the general public to particle physics. Category: Image of the week | Tagged: , , ,