Tag archive: Beijing
Min Zhang | 1 September 2011
Scientists working on the positron source for a future linear collider gather in Beijing to discuss R&D and accelerator design.
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Beijing, PosiPol, positron R&D, positron source
Min Zhang | 22 July 2010
A 1.3-Gigahertz low-loss type large-grain nine-cell superconducting cavity called IHEP-01 produced at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, China, achieved an accelerating gradient of 20 Megavolts per metre in its first vertical test at KEK on 1 July. This may not be the design gradient yet, but it marks an important progress on the research and development of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology in China.
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1.3 GHz, Beijing, cavity gradient, China, IHEP, IHEP-01, nine-cell cavity, SRF technology
Min Zhang | 27 May 2010
The International Conferences on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics (also known as the Calor Conference series, started in October 1990 at Fermilab) address all aspects of calorimetric particle detection and measurement, with emphasis on high-energy physics experiments. This year, the conference of Calor 2010, the fourteenth in this series, was held in the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing, China from 10 to 14 May 2010.
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Beijing, Calor 2010, China, IHEP, International Conferences on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics
1 April 2010
On 30 March, the Beijing meeting ended on a high note. Nearly 300 participants, together with local and scientific organising committees, worked hard to make this meeting a success while at the same time, in Geneva, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) opened a new page in particle physics history. “It's a day of celebration,” concluded Jon Bagger, Chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, “the day where we start lighting the Terascale.” The ILC will build on LHC discoveries, and to make this project a reality the whole ILC community gathered in Beijing. There were deep discussions between the accelerator and the physics and detectors experts of a level that has never happened before in such a global meeting. All use each others' feedback during the workshop to draw up what will be their plans for the next two years, when in 2012 they deliver the Technical Design Report (for the machine) and the Detailed Baseline Design of the detectors reports. A lot of reviews, R&D and studies are still to be done but participants now leave Beijing with clear ideas on what path to follow to achieve them.
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Slideshow | Tagged:
Beijing, IHEP, photo album
Nick Walker | 25 March 2010
[...] As a truly global project, the ILC remains the dream of hundreds of physicists around the globe. Many of them will be joining me in Beijing for the workshop, to discuss the impressive technical progress we are making. -- Nick Walker
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Beijing, China, LCWS10
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 14 January 2010
Next march, Tiger Year, a joint meeting of the Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS10) and the International Linear Collider meeting (ILC2010) will be held from 26-30 March 2010 in Beijing, China. Three years after the ILC Reference Design Report release and the preliminary cost estimate of the machine in Beijing, the whole community of accelerator and detector physicists will gather again in China for another important step forward. “The ILC Chinese institutes are honoured and glad to host this meeting, as we expect great results from these five days,” said Jie Gao, co–chair of the local organising committee. “We hope that many of our colleagues will be able to attend.”
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Beijing, China, ILC2010, LCWS10
28 May 2009
In early September 2009, Beijing will serve as host city to roughly 70 outstanding physics students from the Americas, Asia and Europe for a ten-day intensive course entitled the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders. The Institute of High-Energy Physics (IHEP) will be the host institution. Led by scientific researchers and academic faculty, the rigorous curriculum will address such topics as linear colliders, the muon collider, radiofrequency technology and damping rings. It will be yet another step forward in the tenure of the school which took place at such locations as Hayama, Japan, Erice, Sicily, Italy, and Oakbrook, Illinois, U.S.A., in previous years.
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Beijing, China, LC school, linear collider school
Rika Takahashi | 15 November 2007
New expressways and subways are under construction. New hotels and apartment buildings are popping up. This city with a population of over 15 million people, which is already big enough, is getting ready for the coming year of increasing visitors who will attend the Olympic Games. This is Beijing.
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Beijing, CCAST, CCAST workshop, China
Barry Barish | 15 November 2007
Beijing is a place to mark important ILC milestones. In 2004, the International Committee on Future Accelerators (ICFA) announced the decision to base the ILC acceleration technology on superconducting radiofrequency technology. In February 2007, we released the draft Global Design Effort Reference Design Report (RDR) for the ILC. This past week, in what I anticipate will mark an equally important milestone for the ILC, many of us attended the CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and first Asia ILC R&D Seminar under the JSPS Core-University Program.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Beijing, CCAST, China
5 April 2007
The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design in Beijing symbolises the relationship between earth and heaven - the human society and the universe - which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmology. It was the central image on the poster for the 9th ACFA ILC Physics & Detector Workshop and ILC GDE Meeting in February 2007 at IHEP in Beijing, where the ILC reference design and preliminary cost were officially announced. Although the walkway towards the ILC is as long as that in the Temple of Heaven, China is now taking steady steps and making more contributions to the realisation of the ILC. This interest manifests itself in the Chinese scientists' unanimous support for China's participation in the ILC, which has been demonstrated during the Fragrant Mountain Meeting, held at the end of 2006, the expanding collaboration with KEK and other labs worldwide, the ILC GDE Meeting held in Beijing this February, and the various R&D efforts in progress at IHEP and other institutes.
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accelerator R&D, Beijing, BILC078, China, IHEP
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