Tag archive: ILC
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 20 March 2014
Without a solid physics case, state-of-the-art detectors and well-defined infrastructures like computing and links with the machine, a linear collider would have few arguments to go by. The Linear Collider Collaboration has working groups installed that make sure that the detectors can advance towards real collaborations and that synergies between the two linear colliders are harnessed as much as possible. Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the LCC, describes the current status of the physics and detector directorate where most of the components are now up and running.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, ILC, machine detector interface, physics and detectors, physics case
Harry Weerts | 20 February 2014
Over the past decades, colliders have defined the energy frontier in particle physics. Currently there are four studies worldwide: ILC, CLIC, FCC and a muon collider. Each high-energy physicist can argue about which one of these should be pursued and have his/her own preference. However, considering the strategic aspect and the time scale involved in realising these machines, the ILC is the natural next energy frontier machine. Harry Weerts, Americas Regional Director for the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains why.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, energy frontier, FCC, Higgs boson, High Energy Physics, ILC, LHC, muon collider, new physics
Hitoshi Yamamoto | 24 October 2013
LCWS13 is the first International Linear Collider workshop after the completion of the ILC Technical Design Report, the European Strategy for particle physics, the ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announcement and the Science Council of Japan report. All converges to make it a very promising linear collider meeting, Hitoshi Yamamoto explains.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Asia, CLIC, ILC, ILC site, LCC, Science Council of Japan
Rika Takahashi | 29 August 2013
The ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announced the result of the assessment on the two candidate sites in Japan on 23 August 2013. As a location, they recommended the Kitakami mountains in the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures.
Feature | Tagged:
ILC, ILC site, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, Miyagi Prefecture, mountain-region ILC sites, site selection
Steinar Stapnes | 22 August 2013
It has been another summer with discussions about future strategies for international particle physics. After work on the European Strategy last summer, the US strategy is on the table this summer. For the linear collider work the strategy processes have been positive, reports Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for CLIC in the Linear Collider Collaboration. Researchers are closely following decisions being made in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Japan, Snowmass
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 8 August 2013
“The ILC in 2 minutes”, the new ILC animation, now includes the latest machine and detector design and also comes with optional sound and various languages subtitles. Make sure to share it!
Feature | Tagged:
animation, ILC, outreach, video
Mike Harrison | 25 July 2013
Now that the ILC Technical Design Report is published, does it mean the design is frozen? In this corner, ILC Director Mike Harrison explains how maintaining the technical flexibility to obtain the maximum benefit from ILC R&D and other current projects is both a challenge and a necessity, especially for major cost drivers like the ILC cryomodules.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ILC, ILC baseline, plug compatibility, SRF cryomodule, XFEL
Videos: AAA | 11 July 2013
Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains the Higgs (in Japanese) in a three-part video series entitled “Universe and matter – the story of the beginning.”
Video of the week | Tagged:
Higgs, ILC, outreach, Standard Model
YiLin Liu | 27 June 2013
From 12 to 14 June, the 464th Fragrant Hill Science Conference on “The Next-generation High Energy Electron Positron Collider - Current Situation and Future Strategy” was held in the Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel. Thirty-five front-line scientists from theoretical physics, experimental physics, detectors and accelerators from eleven institutes in China joined the conference. Scientists reviewed the achievements of high-energy-frontier experiments and current research programmes on particle physics both at home and abroad. They also discussed China's strategy for the next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders.
Around the World | Tagged:
China, electron-positron collider, IHEP, ILC
Juan Fuster | 30 May 2013
The European Linear Collider workshop, taking place in Hamburg from 27 to 31 May, coincides with very many important strategic processes at Japan, Europe and US, all of them nourished by the optimistic results from the LHC. Juan Fuster, chair of the workshop programme committee, explains the scientific and political context of the meeting.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, DESY, ECFA LC2013, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Higgs, ILC, TDR, worldwide event
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