Tag archive: DESY
Barbara Warmbein | 18 October 2007
The EUDET telescope, a high-precision device that lets detector developers check the accuracy of their prototype by using particle beams and the EUDET telescope and comparing with accurately its determined tracks, has just finished a marathon in test beams around Europe. During six weeks in beams at DESY and CERN its makers tested it to the core and are now happy to pass their instrument on to users.
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Elizabeth Clements | 6 September 2007
The 1200 parts started to arrive at Fermilab in June. When fully assembled, these many parts will make up the first cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D in the United States. The ILC will ultimately require 1680 of these cooled modules that hold the superconducting cavities, maintaining a temperature only two degrees above absolute zero. This first US cryomodule -which will only be used for R&D purposes-represents a special collaboration between Fermilab and DESY.
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cryomodule, DESY, Fermilab
Barbara Warmbein | 30 August 2007
This summer, a stage was all the world for some of the men and women of the CALICE collaboration. For the first time, the full prototypes of the electromagnetic calorimeter, the hadronic calorimeter and the tailcatcher and muon tracker (designed and built by international collaborations and assembled in Paris, Hamburg and Northern Illinois respectively) played lead roles in the SPS test beam at CERN. In more than two months, the collaboration collected more than 100 million events, nearly 14 terabytes of data, thus not only testing their prototypes but also the data grid.
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Barbara Warmbein | 26 July 2007
Three pairs of eyes cast one last look around the room. Have all scissors, ladders, metallic tables been removed? No pins or pens lying around anymore? Once the team is sure that nothing is left in the area, they close the security doors and give the go-ahead – the magnet that has been to space can be charged for the first time since its arrival at its new home in the DESY test beam. Before its field of 1 Tesla can bend the tracks of particles in a EUDET detector prototype, however, the scientists have to map the field very precisely. And they don't want steel-capped boots flying into the coil.
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DESY, EUDET, KEK, magnetic field map
Barry Barish | 5 July 2007
We are now undertaking an engineering design, and the EDMS will be a central global collaboration tool for carrying out this next phase.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Brian Foster | 7 June 2007
Hamburg put on its best face to greet the more than 600 registered guests who arrived at DESY last week for the big annual ILC get-together.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DESY, Europe, Germany, ILC07, LCWS, LCWS07, overview
Barbara Warmbein | 31 May 2007
In a packed auditorium many of world's leading high-energy physics brains celebrated ‘one of the sculptors of the physics of the ILC which wouldn’t be doable without him’, said Rolf-Dieter Heuer, DESY, and ‘not just a colleague, more of a friend’, said Siegfried Bethke, Max Planck Institute for Physics. Last Tuesday, a day before the start of the ILC / LCWS 07 symposium, they had gathered for a colloquium in honour of theorist Peter Zerwas, who is retiring at the age of 65, ‘after more than 250 publications, 12000 citations and certainly many more to come’, said Albrecht Wagner, DESY Director-General.
Around the World | Tagged:
Barbara Warmbein | 19 April 2007
Not many people see an immediate connection between exploring the origins of the Universe and finding cancer cells. Nicola d'Ascenzo and his colleagues sure do. In their work to test photo sensors as potential candidates for an ILC hadronic calorimeter they have come across a sensor that could be extremely interesting for positron emission tomography or PET, an imaging techniques that identifies cancerous cells in a body by detecting emitted gamma rays.
Around the World | Tagged:
CALICE, DESY, detector R&D, MPPC, SiPM
Barbara Warmbein | 29 March 2007
When scientists take their detector prototypes to a test beam they enter a parallel world. Many basic needs are put on hold - the need for sunlight, regular meals or eight hours of sleep, for example. What counts is the beam time: you have three days, weeks or months to test your equipment, and you have to make the best of it because you might not get another chance. A team from Japan and Korea have just reached the halfway point of their time in the DESY test beam, calibrating, checking and recording data with their electromagnetic calorimeter prototype.
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CALICE, DESY, detector R&D, ECal, HCal
Barbara Warmbein | 1 March 2007
Module 6 has had a bit of a break since we last reported on its progress (NewsLine 11 May 2006 and NewsLine 15 June 2006). It spent the last few months in DESY’s new module test stand in a brand-new building – as sparkling as new buildings in research centres get – and hasn’t been idle. Several cooling cycles and all sorts of tests over several months made sure that its creators knew the exact behaviour of all cavities, cables and couplers, the slow and fast tuners and the magnet.
Feature | Tagged:
DESY, FLASH, horizontal test stand, module 6
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